Sulat sang pagpasidungog kag paghigugma ni Ka Concha Araneta-Bocala para kay Reynaldo 'Ka Minoy' Bocala

Pulang saludo sa akon kaupod kag bana!

I grieve for my comrade and my husband Ka Reynaldo Bocala more lovingly known as Ka Hans, Ka Bading and Ka Minoy to the masses in the countryside of Panay. I also grieve for Ka Ramon his trusted and reliable companion. We all grieve for them. Unarmed, they were traitorously and brutally murdered by the fascist mercenaries of the tyrant Duterte.

I am torn in body and soul yet I am proud and happy. I am proud that my comrade and husband had lived a genuine revolutionary life. Living with the masses, working for them, laughing with them but most of all educating them, organizing and moving them to militant actions to fight for their democratic rights as citizen and human beings. I am proud and happy that Ka Minoy had lived up to his pledge to serve the people and the Party until his last breath.

Ka Hans, as he was called in the hinterland barrios of Tapaz, Capiz, pioneered in enlightening especially the tumandok masses as to the root cause of their poverty, landlessness and to fight for the right to their ancestral lands.

Ka Bading was a key figure in the consolidation and upsurge of the revolutionary movement in Central Panay. In the 80’s he was also key to the upsurge of the anti- fascist struggle in Southern Panay up to the downfall of the Marcos dictatorship.

Ka Minoy gave 50 years of his life in the revolutionary struggle. He was well-loved by the masses for his wit and humor, sharing stories and laughing with them, his down-to-earth style when giving lessons to the masses and practicality in guiding them on how to organize and mobilize their fellow peasants.

It was in these 50 years that we met, got married, had children and grandchildren. Our children, mga anak, inday Ilyich, toto Rubio, Nonoy Christopher and tata Erika Lucha, your father, tatay loved you so much, too much. You know that and you can feel that.

You know his revolutionary dream was that he may live to see the victory of the revolution. But life is short and the revolution is long and protracted. He may not have lived to see the victory that he longed for but perhaps you will or mga apo namon or mga apo pa gid but surely it will come. His life and work as a revolutionary may have taken his time away from you but his work was also for you and for all later generations that you may live decently as hard working people, enjoy genuine freedom and live full and happy lives.

You may not have been together for long as a family but I know tatay has made a mark in your minds and hearts that you will remember for always. Mga anak, your tatay had been missing you for so long and he would have wanted to hug you especially on your birthdays. Live your lives respectfully, righteously, honestly and justly. Make your tatay proud of you as you are proud of him.

Sa akon kaupod kag bana salamat sa pagpalangga mo sa akon sa pihak sang akon kasabad, kakulit, pagpa-ugtas kag pag-ugtas kag pagkasuplada kag sa pihak sang akon pagkulang sa imo. I give you my love, admiration and respect.

Pulang saludo kaupod kag palangga…


(Ka Concha Araneta-Bocala’s letter of tribute and love for Reynaldo ‘Ka Minoy’ Bocala)

Sulat sang pagpasidungog kag paghigugma ni Ka Concha Araneta-Bocala para kay Reynaldo 'Ka Minoy' Bocala