The Immortality of True People's Fighters!

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan

To the Comrades of the Communist Party of the Philippines,

With deep sorrow and profound regret, we have received the grievous news of the tragic loss of our esteemed comrades, Ka Laan (Benito Tiamzon) and Ka Bagong-Tao (Wilma Austria- Tiamzon), alongside eight other valiant military commanders. This heart-wrenching event, orchestrated by the fascist army of the Philippine government, has left us shaken.

As we stand united in our condemnation of the brutal act perpetrated by the Philippine government, we share in your sorrow. The impact of this loss is not limited to the Communist Party of the Philippines alone; it reverberates across the international proletarian movement. These fallen comrades are the champions of the people, and history will judge those responsible for their unjust demise in the people’s court.

Amidst this darkness, we hold firm to our belief in the indomitable spirit of the comrades of the Communist Party of the Philippines. We trust in their unwavering commitment to the class struggle. We have confidence that their journey will be guided by the legacy of the fallen comrades and their visionary founder, Comrade Sison. Their path will light the way towards revolution and the ultimate triumph of communism. By embracing Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, they will lead the charge towards genuine progress and liberation in the Philippines. The advancement of their revolutionary struggle will undoubtedly resonate as a beacon of hope for global revolutionary movements.

The heroes of our nation are immortal, and our comrades Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-Tao will forever remain integral to the international proletariat’s enduring struggle. Let their memory be a constant reminder of our shared commitment to justice, equality, and a better world.

The indomitable spirit of true fighters endures!
Comrades Ka Laan and Ka Bagong-Tao remain eternal in the international proletariat’s fight!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!

In Solidarity,

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
June 27, 2023

The Immortality of True People's Fighters!