Nursing mother activist, 4 others arrested and tagged as NPA members


State forces arrested Aman­da Laca­ba Echa­nis along with her one-month old infant son at a house in Ba­ra­ngay Ca­ru­pi­an, Bag­gao, Ca­ga­yan on December 2. Echanis is a member of Amihan and an organizer of peasant women.

Echanis is currently detained at Camp Addu­ro in Tu­gue­ga­rao City based on trumped up charges of illegal possession of firearms and explosives. She is the daughter of the slain National Democratic Front of the Philippines consultant Ran­dall Echa­nis.

According to Ka­ra­pa­tan, the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) paid fake “witnesses” to testify against Echa­nis. Simultaneously, state forces raided the house of Isa­be­lo Advien­to, chairperson of the Dang­ga­yan-Ki­lu­sang Mag­bu­bu­kid ng Pi­li­pi­nas.

The police also arrested transport union organizer Jo­se Ber­nar­di­no in Sa­pang Mai­sac, Mexico, Pam­pa­nga on December 4. He was charged with a trumped up charge of rebellion.

On the same day, state forces arrested Marilou Tan in San Roque, Tinambac, Camarines Sur. She was charged wil illegal possession of firearms and explosives. Both victims were arrested in the early morning.

In Albay, state forces arrested 72-year old farmer Ro­nal­do Oga­ma at his house in Ba­ra­ngay Bat­bat, Gui­no­ba­tan on November 17. He was accused of being a member of the New People’s Army (NPA).

In Ki­tao­tao, Bu­kid­non, the 16th IB arrested and tortured 17-year old farmer Ru­ben Da­no on November 19 in Ba­ra­ngay Ba­la­ngi­gay. After the incident, the soldiers also tortured six other Lumad farmers and senior citizen Car­li­to Sor­dil­la.

In Su­ri­gao del Nor­te, the 29th IB arrested Da­tu Da­ni­lo Ka­li­na­wan in Ba­ra­ngay Ca­wi­lan, Tu­bod in the early morning of December 2. His family is yet to be informed about his whereabouts until today.

Four women residents of May­sa­pang, Ba­ra­ngay Usu­san, Ta­gu­ig City were arrested after resisting the encroachment of armed goons of the R-II Buil­ders in their community. The said company has long been planning to demolish the said community.

South Cotabato massacre. Two hors de combat Red fighters were killed by the 5th SFB and PNP at Sitio Kibang, Barangay Ned, Lake Sebu on December 2, 4:30 a.m.

The victims were identified as Romeo Libron (Ka Melvin), 60 and Ka Sarge. The fascists also killed three civilians who visited them that day, including Ka Melvin’s wife.

Killing. The police and 29th IB gunned down purok leader Ignacio Mo­raca Areva­lo in Ba­ra­ngay Mat-i, Su­ri­gao City on November 25. Areva­lo was a leaader of the Nag­ka­hiu­sang Gag­mayng Mi­ne­ro.

The PNP-Si­son also killed businessman Jo­sefi­no “La­lo” Ca­lang at around 12 a.m. on November 26. He was accused as a member of the people’s militia.

Bombing. The AFP Northern Luzon Com­mand repeatedly strafed and thrice shelled Ba­ra­ngay La­wak Lang­ka, Ma­nga­ta­rem, Pa­nga­si­nan on November 24, forcing residents to forgo work for several days.

The 29th IB also dropped seven bombs and strafed communities in Santiago, Agusan del Norte on November 25.

Nursing mother activist, 4 others arrested and tagged as NPA members