NPA-Masbate launches harassment operation


Soldiers of the 2nd IB resting in a compound in Barangay Puro, Placer, Masbate scampered in fright after an attack by the New People’s Army (NPA)-Masbate on August 26 at 11 pm. Red fighters opened fire and blasted a command-detonated explosive on the 2nd IB Alpha Company unit in the area. The Masbateño masses rejoiced at the armed action because it rendered justice to victims of the 2nd IB’s military violence.

On August 30, the NPA-Masbate imposed the death penalty on a CAFGU element and traitor to the people, Jay-R Avalle in Barangay Baras, Esperanza. He was a former member of the people’s army turned active military asset.

NPA-Masbate launches harassment operation