
Ang Bayan interview with Turkey guerrilla forces


The TKP-ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist) reported last week that its armed unit, the TİKKO (Workers and Peasants Liberation Army of Turkey) attacked a camp of the Turkish Republic fascist forces in the Mennax region, Til Temir on the morning of May 17. According to their report, the attack hit a radar inside the camp. The armed action coincided with the 49th death anniversary of their founder Ibrahim Kaypakkaya.

In line with this development, Ang Bayan forwarded some questions to the TKP-ML TİKKO regarding the armed offensive. The following are excerpts from the May 21 reply of the TKP-ML TİKKO General Command.

Ang Bayan (AB): Can you tell us more about the May 17 attack mounted by the TIKKO? Which unit of the enemy was attacked?

TKP-ML TİKKO General Command: Before answering your question, and for a full understanding, we consider it useful to give a brief background. The area where we attacked the enemy is in the region called Rojava Kurdistan, which is under the occupation of the fascist Turkish state.

In 2019, the Turkish state occupied the city of Serekani, Gre Spi and its surrounding area in Rojava with forces using the name of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a paramilitary force recruited from Syria. For nearly three years, an armed struggle has been waged in this region against the occupation of the Turkish state.

At the same time, the Turkish state continues to occupy new areas by being in a constant state of attack.

Military units of the Turkish army are located along the front line of the entire occupied territory. In some places, they are located both intertwined and separately. There are commando, fortification, artillery and tanker units of the Turkish army in the region where we carried out the attack. At the same time, the FSA-affiliated paramilitary gang groups remain with the Turkish army.

These are the forces we attacked.

AB: What crimes is the enemy unit involved in?

TKP-ML TİKKO General Command: The occupation is a crime against humanity in itself. With this invasion attack, tens of thousands of people were displaced. Poor Kurdish and Arab peasants and toilers have been turned into refugees in the lands where they live, while they suffer from extortion, plunder, rape, kidnapping and torture o , drug and human trafficking, sabotage of the people’s production areas, and many other crimes that we cannot count.

The fascist Turkish state and its army are not just any army. We are fighting an army whose name has been implicated in countless massacres and genocide crimes throughout its history and which is known as such among the people. Both today and historically, the crimes of the Turkish army are too numerous to count.

AB: What were the damaged enemy weapons/buildings?

TKP-ML TİKKO General Command: Our forces hit the katyusha with their heavy weapons in the style of grenade launchers, Dochka. Strategic positions in which the enemy was positioned were destroyed, the radar station was destroyed, the transport vehicle was hit, its buildings were damaged. Since we were not able to enter enemy positions , we were not able to confirm how many were wounded and killed. It seems that the attacks we made after the enemy flew reconnaissance aircraft and attacked us with howitzer fire were effective.

AB: What was the function of the radar ?

TKP-ML TİKKO General Command: The radar station is a tower which the enemy uses to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance. Since the area we attacked is located in the front line, the situation of moving freely as before in the positions and bases where the enemy attacks are made has disappeared. Recently, as a result of both the actions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the assassination actions we have carried out, the enemy forces have started to move behind their positions in a way that does not give us an image.

AB: What are the other details you can share with us?

TKP-ML TİKKO General Command: Our party has adopted the TKP-ML people’s war strategy and we, as TIKKO guerrillas, are carrying out tactical attacks against the enemy in line with our party’s strategy.

The fascist Turkish state and its current representative AKP/MHP regime are pursuing an expansionist-annexationist policy in the Middle East. Its aim is to annex other parts of Kurdistan, which it could not annex a century ago, and to annex it to become its own territory. For this, it organizes an occupation operation in an area of more than a thousand kilometers along its border.

From our point of view, this means a thousand square kilometers of front and battlefield. In the lands where we are located, there is the Nubar Ozanian Armenian Brigade, which we formed from the people belonging to the Armenian nationality under our command. Our forces are located at eleven different points on the front line. In the face of recent enemy attacks, we had martyred and wounded comrades in the brigade. In addition to our latest tactical attacks, our forces are responding to the enemy’s attack on the points where our brigade is located by making retaliatory attacks.

AB: Ang Bayan interview with Turkey guerrilla forces