Anti-imperialist groups launch gathering and protest before NATO summit in the US

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Sixty anti-imperialist groups under Resist NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) gathered on July 7 in Washington DC to call for an end to US wars in Ukraine and other parts of the world, as well as its genocide in Palestine. They marched to the White House on that day.

Earlier, the groups held the Resist NATO Summit where 300 individuals attended. Speakers discussed the imperialist wars being launched and waged in Europe, the Middle East and Asia; and intensifying imperialist state fascism on their own people. The groups held the summit ahead the meeting of NATO countries in Washington on July 7-9 for the occasion of its 75th anniversary.

“With our joint struggles and people power, we apply our collective strength to reject the anti-people convening of warmongers coordinating imperialist violence across the globe!” Resist NATO said. The International League of Peoples’ Struggles and Filipino-American groups such as Bayan-USA and Anakbayan-USA is part of this campaign.

The US is at the forefront of NATO and is the main driver of the coalition, Resist NATO said. It has access to any NATO military base in various parts worldwide. It serves as an armed hand in US-led wars and mobilizes allied countries to initiate and support its war with Russia, and between it and China. NATO supports the genocidal campaign being launched by the US and Israel in Gaza. NATO is composed of 32 European and North American countries. It was founded in 1949 to serve as instrument of the US in Europe after World War II.

In addition to Washington, there were similar marches in Philadelphia and New York to oppose NATO and resist imperialist wars of aggression.

AB: Anti-imperialist groups launch gathering and protest before NATO summit in the US