Campus journalists decry press freedom repression under the Marcos regime

This article is available in Pilipino

The so-called improvement in the right to press freedom on campus under the Marcos regime is “fa-keh” or fake, according to student journalists from the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP). This is the alliance’s stand as Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s third State of the Nation Address approaches this July.

“Hundreds of journalists, their lives, and their jobs remain at stake in one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists–including the campus press,” the group said.

In a youth press conference yesterday, July 10, the CEGP reported recording 100 cases of campus press freedom violations from 2022 to 2023. In Camarines Sur alone, 10 campus publications were subjected to harassment as the military coerced them to disaffiliate or deny ties with the alliance. In addition, there have been 17 cases of surveillance and intimidation from 2023 to 2024. There are more than 70 cases of campus repression, such as censorship and interference by the school administrations.

Using the military, the NTF-Elcac, the Anti-Terror Law and the law against “terrorism financing,” operate together to oppress youth journalists.

The victims include former editor of The Catalyst and coordinator of Kabataan Partylist in Quezon, Fritz Labiano, who was charged with “terrorism financing,” along with Paul Tagle, spokesperson of Tanggol Quezon.

Young journalists call for Marcos to respect the press freedom, abolish the NTF-Elcac and junk the ATA and the law on terrorism financing.

The alliance will participate in the people’s protest on July 22, on the occasion of Marcos’ 3rd SONA.

AB: Campus journalists decry press freedom repression under the Marcos regime