Court acquits Senator de Lima of last case

This article is available in Pilipino

The Muntinlupa City Regional Trial Court acquitted former senator Leila de Lima on Monday, June 24, in the case of conspiracy to sell illegal drugs filed by the Duterte regime.

This case is the third and last filed against her. She was acquitted in the first case in 2021, and in the second in May 2023. Her petition for bail was granted and she was temporarily released in November 2023. In total, the state detained her for more than seven years.

While de Lima and her supporters rejoiced at the end of her last case, they called for holding those who filed them accountable. De Lima threatened to hold former president Rodrigo Durterte accountable for the many crimes in the “war on drugs.”

Progressive lawmakers also welcome de Lima’s final acquittal.

Carlos Zarate, vice president of Bayan Muna, said de Lima is a victim of the Duterte administration’s political repression. “Her unjust detention for over seven years highlights the rampant abuse of power and the weaponization of the judicial system to silence dissent and opposition.”

Meanwhile, the Gabriela Women’s Party (GWP) called for the release of other political prisoners.

“While former Sen. de Lima’s acquittal is a victory for justice, it is a stark reminder that many other political prisoners remain behind bars for trumped-up charges,” said Rep. Arlene Brosas of GWP.

AB: Court acquits Senator de Lima of last case