FFPS pays tribute to NPA martyrs

This article is available in Pilipino

Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) honored the fallen Red soldiers of the New People’s Army (NPA) in the encounters in Batangas and Nueva Ecija last June. The group recognized the heroism of the Red fighters for sacrificing their lives for the Filipino revolution and the welfare of the Filipino people.

“The martyrdom of heroes who served the people is always heartbreaking, especially for their closest comrades, friends and family. However, the stories of the martyrs serve as an inspiration to both their comrades and the masses they served…, and proof of the strength of the revolutionary movement,” FFPS said.

“The [martyr youth’s] stories are inspiring stories of young people giving up their selfish dreams,” FFPS said. Instead, they chose to fight for true democracy and freedom for the Filipino people, aspirations greater than themselves.

The group said, while the semicolonial and semifeudal conditions of society worsen, the Filipino people remain determined in their struggle.

“We salute this courage, and…will recognize the memory of the martyrs by tirelessly building strong and widespread solidarity for the Philippine revolution,” FFPS stressed.

FFPS is an international organization that supports the national-democratic movement in the Philippines. It has member organizations from North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

AB: FFPS pays tribute to NPA martyrs