Gabriela denounces Philhealth for transferring "unspent" funds

This article is available in Pilipino

Gabriela considers the recently reported return of unspent Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) funds to the national treasury as an “attack on the right to health.”

“The national women’s alliance GABRIELA denounces the recent circular of the Department of Finance (DOF) requiring the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to transfer ₱89.9 billion of unused funds to the national treasury,” the group stated. The withdrawal of the funds will further weaken the near-death health system, Clarice Palce, the group’s general secretary, said.

“While PhilHealth says they have excess funds, millions of Filipinos continue to struggle with exorbitant medical expenses and inadequate health care coverage,” Palce said.

The group said the funds for health services should be allocated directly to public hospitals and health facilities, instead of coursing it through Philheath, which is riddled with corruption and anomalies.

“The privatization of health services has had disastrous effects, especially on Filipino women who bear the brunt of health-related responsibilities in their families,” the group said. Women’s services that are not affordable for women include screening for breast and cervical cancer, among others.

“We must oppose attempts to further privatize and profit from our health,” said Palce. “People’s right to health should not be sacrificed for government interest or profit-driven interests.”

AB: Gabriela denounces Philhealth for transferring "unspent" funds