NPA-Western Samar snipes soldiers setting up camp in community

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The New People’s Army (NPA)-Western Samar (Arnulfo Ortiz Command) fired at 87th IB soldiers encamped in Sityo San Pedro, Barangay Poblacion 3, San Jose de Buan, Western Samar on June 9. The soldiers were building a fence inside the sitio for their planned detachment.

The sniping killed 87th IB soldier Corporal Marvin Calvintos. Red fighters opened fire on the soldiers wounding many of them.

“The operation is part of the NPA’s sanction against soldiers whom the masses complained about for their long list of human rights violations against the people of San Pedro,” the NPA-Western Samar said.

The 87th IB soldiers and the 8th ID’s Task Force Storm retaliated against civilians and communities. They shelled the mountains and farmfields near the said sitio, terrorizing the farmers. Most of the farmers were not able to work on their farms. Others were forced to evacuate for fear of being hit by artillery.

San Pedro has been militarized since 2024. A long list of human rights violations have been recorded in the area.

In February, operating soldiers stole a farmer’s chickens. The soldiers threw away the rice and seeds of another farmer. In the same month, a soldier tried to shoot a farmer in his farm.

Also in March, soldiers prohibited farmers from farming their fields for almost a week after the NPA and 87th IB elements clashed in Barangay Can-aponte, San Jose de Buan.

At midnight of the encounter, soldiers tried to abduct a young man they suspected was involved in the encounter, a charge his parents belied.

Meanwhile, the people’s army continued its efforts to defend peasant masses from soldier attacks. The NPA-Western Samar launched a sniper against the military camp in Barangay Santo Ñiño, Motiong on April 3, killing a soldier and CAFGU element. The people’s army opened fire on the camp again after 30 minutes.

On May 14, an NPA unit opened fire on soldiers camped in Barangay San Fernando, Jiabong.

The said tactical offensives are part of the NPA-Western Samar’s response to the Party’s call to keep the people’s war ablaze by launching winable tactical offensive to strengthen and elevate the capabilities of the Red commanders and fighters.

AB: NPA-Western Samar snipes soldiers setting up camp in community