State agent points gun at labor organizer in Quezon City

This article is available in Pilipino

A suspected state forces agent harassed and pointed a gun at University of the Philippines-Diliman labor organizer Grace Villota in Quezon City yesterday evening, July 22. Villota had just left the University Hotel after consulting with the union regarding their current struggle.

Villota said a man on a motorcycle tried to force her to ride with him because someone wanted to talk to her. He pointed a gun at her and threatened her when she refused.

Villota is a consultant to the University Hotel Workers Union in its current fight to demand workers’ rights in its negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement.

Due to the union’s struggles, 26 hotel workers will be regularized. This provision will be included in the implementation agreement.

In June, the union denounced the management for denying the workers of their leave credentials, clothing allowance, and due process in suspension actions. These rights were won by UHWU in their signed CBA with the UH management in November 2022.

Following this, the UHWU and UH workers continued to protest and fight for their rights. They unfurled a big streamer near the hotel on June 2.

AB: State agent points gun at labor organizer in Quezon City