Archive of CPP Central Committee

Intensify the people's war against the tyranny and terrorism of the US-Duterte fascist regime
March 29, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) salutes all Red fighters and commanders of the New People’s Army (NPA) on the occasion of its 49th anniversary. The Central Committee extends the highest honors to all of the NPA’s heroes and martyrs who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving the people. The […]

Unite the people and wage all-out resistance to overthrow the US-Duterte fascist regime
November 24, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP-CC) condemns in the strongest terms possible the Duterte regime for issuing Presidential Proclamation No. 360 which arbitrarily terminates the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations. The Filipino people are indignant over Duterte’s terror proclamation as it torpedoes and casts away the achievements of NDFP-GRP peace negotiations. Various […]

Declaration terminating the unilateral interim ceasefire
February 01, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee | New People's Army | National Operational Command |

The August 28, 2016 unilateral declaration of interim ceasefire issued by the Central Committee of the CPP (CPP-CC) and the National Operations Command of the New People’s Army (NPA-NOC) is hereby terminated.

Deklarasyon ng pagwawakas sa unilateral na pansamantalang tigil-putukan
February 01, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee | New People's Army | National Operational Command |

Idinedeklara ngayon ng Komite Sentral ng Partido Komunista at ng Pambansang Kumand sa mga Operasyon ng Bagong Hukbong Bayan ang pagtatapos ng pansamantalang tigil-putukan na unilateral na idineklara noong Agosto 28, 2016.

Unite and strengthen the Party! Lead the national democratic revolution to greater heights!
December 26, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins all Party members and cadres, Red fighters and commanders of the New People’s Army, all revolutionary forces and the entire Filipino people in celebrating the 48th anniversary of the Party’s reestablishment on December 26, 1968. Let us extol all heroes and martyrs of […]

Mensahe ng Komite Sentral ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas sa mga rali ng sambayanang Pilipino kaakibat sa pagdiriwang sa ika-48 anibersaryo ng Partido
December 26, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

Ikinalulugod ng Komite Sentral ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ang mainit na tugon ng sambayanang Pilipino sa panawagan para sa malalaking rali ngayong araw upang gunitain ang ika-48 anibersaryo ng muling pagtatatag ng Partido at upang mahigpit na punahin ang rehimeng Duterte sa kabiguan nitong tuparin ang mga pangakong hakbangin para sa usapang kapayapaan. Ilampung […]

Our Beloved Party Celebrates its First Anniversary under the Supreme Guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought
December 26, 1969 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

Our beloved Party, the Communist Party of the Philippines, celebrates with boundless joy the first anniversary of its re-establishment under the supreme guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought. All proletarian revolutionary cadres and all Red fighters of the New People’s Army seriously review today a whole year of revolutionary struggle to strenghten further their determination to […]