Archive of Christians for National Liberation (CNL)

Proclaiming the Supreme Rule of the Proletariat
September 21, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey! (Isaiah 10:1-2) The Christians for National Liberation (CNL) […]

CNL: Genuine freedom and democracy lie in people’s seizure of power through a national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective
June 05, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

“Ours is an unfinished revolution. Today we continue to be engaged in the task of completing the struggle for national liberation and genuine democracy.”–National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) As the reactionary Philippine government marks the country’s sham 125th Independence Day on June 12, the Christians for National Liberation (CNL)–the underground political organization of […]

Christians for National Liberation salutes NDFP on its 50th Anniversary: Onward with the People’s War!
April 23, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

The Christians for National Liberation (CNL), the underground political organization of revolutionary Christians, extends our warm salute and revolutionary greetings to the allied organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) as it marks its golden founding anniversary today April 24, 2023. The NDFP is the formal revolutionary united front organization of the […]

Marching with the people in the streets and through the revolutionary path
February 23, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

The Christians for National Liberation remembers our country’s long, ever-persistent tradition of resistance as we join millions of Filipino toiling masses and democratic forces in commemorating the 37th anniversary of the EDSA uprising. In the years and decades that followed the uprising, we are also affirmed and will always remember that the semi-colonial, semi-feudal system […]

Consolidate and expand our ranks! Unite and overthrow the US-Marcos II tyranny by advancing the national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective! Onward with the people's war!
February 11, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

As stories of unrelenting suffering and oppression brought about by the evil works of feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism and imperialism reign over peoples and nations, the ever-persistent struggle for liberation goes on. We are moved by God’s enabling and emancipating Spirit, and by the ever persistence of the open and underground mass movements in their firm […]

Our journey to shalom is through the National Democratic Revolution with a Socialist Perspective!
December 10, 2022 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

  I will rejoice in Jerusalem, And the joy in My people; The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her, Nor the voice of crying. “No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; (Isaiah 65: 19b-20a) The Christians for […]

Christians for National Liberation successfully holds 9th Congress with firm commitment to pursue people’s war
September 27, 2022 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

The Christians for National Liberation (CNL), the underground revolutionary political organization of Christians, recently held its 9th Congress in Luzon with the theme:“ Consolidate and expand our ranks! Unite and overthrow the US-Marcos II Tyranny by advancing the National Democratic Revolution with a socialist perspective! Onward with the people’s war!” Worsening political repression which continues […]

Neither imperialism nor bourgeois dictatorship but dictatorship of the proletariat led by the Party will prevail
September 21, 2022 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

The Christians for National Liberation (CNL), the underground revolutionary political organization of Christians, vehemently denounces the bourgeois Philippine government’s claim that puppet, dictator, tyrant, and deposed Ferdinand Marcos Sr. left behind a “golden age of peace and prosperity.” We exclaim with a resounding voice that never it was. Instead, it was a “darkest age of […]

Revolution In and Out of Season
May 24, 2022 | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

The Christians for National Liberation dooms to the highest level the outcome of the May 2022 elections. It was a clear maneuvering of the ruling exploiting classes of landlords and big compradors blessed by the imperialists US and China. Again, it proves to the rottenness of the Philippine electoral system. Other than the fact that […]

A celebration of relentless struggle to champion the revolutionary struggle
April 24, 2022 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

The Christians for National Liberation (CNL) joins the National Democratic Revolution of the Philippines and the 15 member organizations in the celebration of its 49- year anniversary. Surely, this is a momentous occasion to once again celebrate the past, present and near future victories of the National Democratic Revolution with a Socialist Perspective. It continues […]