Archive of Christians for National Liberation (CNL)

Labanan ken Lappedan ti Anti-Terrorism Act 2020, ti Terorismo ti Estado a Kontra Umili
August 10, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation-Northern Luzon | Rev. Fr. Neo Padre Aglipay | Spokesperson |

“Asikayo pay, dakayo nga agaramid ti linteg a mangparigat kadagiti tattaok. Kasta ti pamuspusanyo tapno saan a magun-od dagiti napanglaw ti kalinteganda ket dida matunton ti hustisya.” Isaias 10:1-2 Ti anag ti Anti-Terror Law (ATL) Republic Act No. 11479 wenno Anti-Terrorism Act 2020, ket terrorismo ti estado iti narruay nga umili. Daytoy ket kontra umili, […]

ECQ or Lockdown is a Fascist Instrument of Duterte’s Martial Law!
April 28, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation-Northern Luzon | Rev. Fr. Neo Padre Aglipay | Spokesperson |

The Father Nilo Valerio Unit (FNVU), the Christians for National Liberation here in Northern Luzon (CNL-NL), vehemently denounces the AFP-PNP offensive operations that ensued to an armed encounter between a unit of the Alfredo Cesar Command (ACC), NPA-Ilocos Sur, and elements of the fascist 81st IB in Patiacan, Quirino, Ilocos Sur last April 21, 2020. […]

ELCAC, Tyrant Duterte's pipe dream, will surely fail! -- CNL-Northern Luzon
March 29, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation-Northern Luzon | Rev. Fr. Neo Padre Aglipay | Spokesperson |

On today’s event of the 51st NPA Anniversary, we, Christians for National Liberation (CNL) here in Northern Luzon, render this open statement as our means to congratulate heartily and salute to the utmost extent all the revolutionary commanders and Red Fighters of the people’s revolutionary army! Like other counter-insurgency operation plans by past fascist regimes, […]

The killing of unarmed revolutionaries is a war crime!
March 21, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation-Northern Luzon | Rev. Fr. Neo Padre Aglipay | Spokesperson |

The Father Nilo Valerio Unit (FNVU), the epithet of the Christians for National Liberation in Northern Luzon (CNL-NL), vehemently deplores the ruthless murder of Comrades Julius Soriano Giron, Dr. Ma Lourdes Denero Tangco, and Arvie Alarcon Reyes. Such cold-blooded carnage by Philippine state security forces is a clear violation of the articles of war and […]

Pastoral letter and report to the LGUs and agencies--CNL-Northern Luzon
March 08, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation-Northern Luzon | Rev. Fr. Neo Padre Aglipay | Spokesperson |

Be wary of Pres. Duterte and the fascist AFP-PNP Commanders! They are, in fact, wolves in sheep’s clothing! Our Lord Jesus Christ condemned the rulers and pharisees of his time as false prophets. He categorically told his apostles and disciples, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are […]

Women : Bearers of Good News
March 08, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

As we celebrate the International Women’s Month, the Christians for National Liberation [CNL] joins the entire world to salute all women who struggled for system change of the way society treat women . It made entirely a difference in society, and “her story” recorded that. Scriptures too affirmed that at Resurrection time, Jesus showed himself […]

Living Out the Faith: A Revolutionary Challenge
February 28, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

With utmost pride, the Christians for National Liberation [CNL] unite with other faith believers in celebrating its forty-eight years of its foundation anniversary . We salute all church martyrs who lived out their faith in the revolution. They broke the barriers of church conservatism, counter-revisionist and petty-bourgeoisie tendencies in journeying with the basic sectors for […]

People Power 1 : A Myth - The Urgent Call OUST
February 25, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

Today marks the thirty-four (34) years since the EDSA People Power 1 in 1986. We at CNL unite with all shades or colors in commemorating the historic uprising. EDSA People Power 1 was a myth that permeated into the national consciousness and collective pursuit for genuine democracy, social justice and freedom. Church leaders like Cardina Sin, […]

Taong simbahan, itanghal ang makauring pamumuno ng Partido! Mag-ambag sa pagkakaisa ng sambayanan upang ibagsak ang papet, pasista at berdugong rehimeng US-Duterte! Kamtin ang mas mataas na antas ng demokratikong rebolusyong bayan!
December 28, 2019 | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) |

“Mabuhay ang Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas!” Ito ang nagbubunying sigaw ng bawat kasapi ng CNL sa buong bansa, maging sa ibayong dagat, sa pagdiriwang ngayon ng ika-51 taong anibersaryo ng muling pagkakatatag ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. Taas-kamao nating pinagpupugayan ang Partido sa loob ng 51 taong pamumuno nito sa pagbagtas ng sambayanang Pilipino sa […]

Christians for National Liberation on the 51st anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines
December 28, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

On the 51st anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines, we the Christians for National Liberation (CNL) salute and applaud all Red commanders, fighters, political officers and members of the people’s militia, local guerrilla and self-defense units who have rendered invaluable service to the peasants, workers and the national minorities. The CNL unites with […]