Archive of CPP Information Bureau

On Duterte declaration to decimate NPA (again) by mid-2019
September 24, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Over the past few days, Duterte has repeatedly proclaimed that the New People’s Army will be “decimated” by the second quarter of 2019. Aping their chief, top officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have declared they are on the “right track” to meeting this objective. Indeed, these are a bold proclamations considering […]

Arrest Trillanes order show Duterte's despotism
September 07, 2018 | CPP Information Bureau |

Duterte bared his Marcosian despotic fangs in ordering the arrest of his vociferous critic Sen. Antonio Trillanes. He abused his power and trampled on the legal processes of his own government. His assault against Trillanes satisfies his desire for vengeance. As well as that of Gloria Arroyo’s. By ordering the AFP to carry out his […]

CPP rejects Duterte ‘localized peace talks’
July 13, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on Friday rejected the Duterte regime’s so-called “localized peace talks” calling it “pretend talks” where Duterte will “pretend to want peace while actually waging total war against the people.” Malacañang yesterday announced it will issue an executive order soon that would pursue “localized peace talks” in lieu of […]

`Tambay' crackdown another brazen attempt to enforce undeclared martial law nationwide
June 21, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) stand together with the broad democratic sectors in denouncing the Duterte regime’s latest wholesale violation of human rights – the so-called “tambay” crackdown. This latest move serves as a double-edged sword for the burgeoning autocrat – claiming for himself excessive powers to incarcerate whoever his regime wants to, […]

End Talaingod siege! End AFP siege of rural communities!
June 13, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) calls on the Duterte regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to end the military siege of Talaingod town where it has applied Marawi-style tactics against the civilians to force the people, especially the Manobo Lumad, to end their defense of their ancestral land. The small […]

Duterte's BBL fans the flames of the Moro people's struggles
June 04, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Duterte’s Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), as it now stands as separately approved bills by the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives, has roused deep and widespread dissatisfaction among the Moro people and advocates of their right to self-determination. The impending enactment of the BBL by Duterte will not only fail to correct the historical injustices […]

Unite to oppose the National ID system
May 26, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

With the Senate leadership recently usurped by Duterte apologist and minion Tito Sotto, with the Supreme Court, now free of Duterte arch-critic Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, and with the rubber-stamp lower house of Congress, the enactment of the National ID system by the fascist Duterte now seems to be imminent. This totalitarian measure was […]

Message of solidarity to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization on the occasion of its 8th Congress
May 25, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) congratulates the Freedom Road Socialist Organization for holding its 8th congress. In behalf of the Filipino proletariat, we extend our solidarity to every delegate and participant of your importante meeting. We are sure your congress will serve as an occasion to sum-up your work, identify the strong points […]

Duterte "Noynoying" over US and China saber-rattling
May 21, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the Duterte regime for publicly acting indifferent amid the intensified saber-rattling of the US and China which raises military tensions and increases possibility of dragging the Philippines into the middle of superpower armed conflict. Duterte is guilty of at least two counts of “Noynoying” recently which amounted […]

Condemn Israeli massacre of Palestinian demonstrators
May 17, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

In behalf of the Filipino people and their revolutionary forces, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the world community in condemning and expressing profound outrage against the fascist Israeli state over its massacre of Palestinian demonstrators last Monday using lethal force to attack unarmed protesters in Gaza Strip resulting in the killing of […]