Archive of CPP Information Bureau

Protest passage of China warship through Sibutu Strait and swarm of fishing vessels around Pag-asa Island
July 31, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today urged the Filipino people to condemn and protest the passage of a Chinese aircraft carrier through the Sibutu Strait and the continuing swarm of sea vessels around the country’s Pag-asa Island in the West Philippine Sea. Recent Japanese satellite reports show that on July 20, China aircraft […]

CPP: Duterte incited Negros killing of civilians with baseless claims against NPA
July 29, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said Rodrigo Duterte is “personally responsible for the relentless campaign of killings in Negros” which has already claimed at least eight lives over the past four days. The CPP said Duterte “incited his armed minions in Negros to carry out the killings by making false claims of […]

The NPA does not do torture
July 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Based on reports of the concerned NPA command, the four armed personnel of the Philippine National Police were killed in an ambush mounted by the NPA in Ayungon town last week, and were not tortured, contrary to false claims made by Duterte. They were armed adversaries of the NPA and died in a legitimate act […]

Condemn killing of 3-year old in drug war
July 06, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today expressed strongest condemnation for the Philippine National Police over the death of 3-year old Myka Ulpina who was shot by police operatives last June 29 in “anti-drug” operations in Rodriguez, Rizal. “The Party and all revolutionary forces expresses sympathy with Myka’s mother and family and supports their […]

Shatter the illusion of democracy, prepare for a more brutal and virulent Duterte
May 28, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines calls on the people, especially those who are fed up and enraged with Rodrigo Duterte’s corruption, crimes and puppetry, to shatter the illusion of democracy brought about by his regime’s win in the midterm elections and prepare for a more brutal and virulent reign. The midterm elections are being […]

The AFP is shameless for seeking to erase historical records of military abductions
February 23, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines denounces the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for pushing the United Nations to purge its human rights archives showing the history of enforced disappearances perpetrated by the AFP and other state security forces. The AFP is shameless for wanting to revise historical records that trace the bloody trail […]

On recent attacks by police and military forces against children
February 21, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Philippine police chief Director General Oscar Albayalde has revealed his anti-children’s rights mindset yesterday in an interview over the alleged 10-year old daughter of a supposed couple which the police claim to be responsible for the January 27 Jolo bombing. In an Inquirer news story, Albayalde revealed that among the reasons the police were hunting […]

Supreme Court is once again legitimizing Duterte's fascist reign
February 19, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

In upholding the so-called constitutionality of Duterte’s third one-year extension of martial law in Mindanao, the Supreme Court is again legitimizing and providing legal cover for the Duterte regime’s fascist and lawless reign in Mindanao and elsewhere in the country. The Supreme Court refused to acknowledge the widespread gross violations of human rights that are […]

Rally behind the Venezuelan people amid looming US military invasion
February 18, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) calls on the Filipino people and all democratic forces across the world to unite and rally behind the Venezuelan people in their resistance against relentless US interventionism and a looming invasion by US military forces. The CPP and all revolutionary forces of the Philippines condemn the Trump government […]

On fascist cyberattacks and assault on media to silence the people
February 17, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The CPP denounces the heightened fascist cyberattacks and assault against the media by the agents of the US-Duterte regime. Over the past few weeks, websites of progressive outfits and alternative media organizations have been subjected to relentless large-scale DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks which have resulted in the websites being repeatedly taken down. Also […]