Archive of National Executive Committee

Resist Looming Tyranny & Human Rights Attack
December 10, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

” Human rights are not only violated by repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities.”. – Pope Francis The Christians for National Liberation joins the international community this year 2019 in commemorating the 71st Anniversary of Human Rights Day. Pope Francis aptly describes human rights that include the unfair […]

Why and What is there to Celebrate Independence Day?
June 11, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

  “I have seen the affliction of my people… I have heard their cry…I know their suffering and have come down to deliver them. ” Exodus 14 : The Exodus narrative from Scriptures is so apt for what is happening to our people. Yahweh listened to the cry of the oppressed, empowered them until they […]

Stand for Truth and Justice  – Reject  the  Rotten Electoral Exercise
May 22, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

We  at the Christians for National Liberation  were outraged  at the conduct and    outcome of the latest electoral exercise.   We received reports and the  news from  tri-media, revealed that  there had been “glitches” of the  vote counting machines [VCM] We cannot set aside speculations that there had been foreign meddling and systematic cheating in the […]

CNL on Edsa Anniversary
February 21, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

The Christians for National Liberation unite with all revolutionary forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines in commemorating the 1986 People Power Revolution. We hail with red salute all heroes and martyrs of the Edsa uprising whose blood and struggle permeated into national consciousness and collective pursuit for genuine democracy, social […]

Christian’s Prophetic Role - Giving Voice to the Voiceless
January 30, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

We the Christians for National Liberation (CNL) strongly condemn the most heinous desecration in bombing the Jolo Cathedral. We express our sympathies to the families of the victims. We view this incident as a justification to extend Martial Law in Mindanao and the counterinsurgency plan Oplan Kapayapaan. It could also mean to railroad the current […]

Dare to speak against Rameses in our midst
January 30, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

“It is necessary to intervene where evil spreads, because evil spreads where there are no daring Christians who oppose with good” Pope Francis. At this juncture of the country’s history where people are being attacked by a tyrant, we can not just remain silent. The Christians for National Liberation strongly condemn the ongoing attacks by […]

Ipagbunyi ang ika-50 taong anibersaryo ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas! Ibagsak ang pasistang diktadurang US-Duterte!
January 23, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

    Buong-giting na ipinagbubunyi ang Christians for National Liberation (CNL – NDFP) ang ika-50 taong anibersaryo ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. Nag-uumapaw ang tuwa at galak sa hanay ng mga rebolusyonaryong taong-simbahan dahil sa loob ng kalahating siglo ay maningning ang naging kasaysayan ng nagpapatuloy na Rebolusyong Pilipino na may bagong tipo dahil sa […]

On the Canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador
November 21, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

The Christians for National Liberation expresses its heartfelt jubilation on the canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero – Archbishop of El Salvador to the Vatican’s roster of Saints. Saint Oscar Romero is the first Salvadoran Saint. He was gunned down during Mass in a hospital chapel a day after telling the Army that “They are killing […]