
Resist Looming Tyranny & Human Rights Attack

” Human rights are not only violated by repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities.”. – Pope Francis

The Christians for National Liberation joins the international community this year 2019 in commemorating the 71st Anniversary of Human Rights Day. Pope Francis aptly describes human rights that include the unfair economic structures creating huge inequalities. Activities across the world are marked with protests to alert people of circumstances where human rights are not recognized or respected, or where these rights are not considered to be important.
For us here in the country, glaring inequalities is very obvious, the much talked about the cost of the “cauldron” for the Southeast Asian Games. The spiraling prices of basic commodities slowly dehumanizes majority who are poor. The President is not only lying about issues affecting the country, and his minions demonize and harass those who resist and expose the truth. The latest statistics provided by Karapatan Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights (Karapatan), 3rd quarter this year the administration for illegal arrests alone for Luzon 234, Visayas 423 and Mindanao has the highest 1,777or a total of 2.484. This statistics is in addition amidst the rampant, unabated killings of farmers, red-tagging of human rights defenders and has no qualms of victimizing anyone, including church people like the Rural Missionaries.

CNL condemn in the highest and strongest terms, how this administration is perpetrating the culture of impunity, and believes that state efforts to silence its critics are failing miserably, instead their voices are growing louder with every human rights violation instigated by the coercive apparatus of the state. What is inspiring is that fellow Christians have been awakened i.e. groups and sectors vowed to continue the fight of the Filipino masses to attain genuine social change. Together we will not allow the President to complete his establishment of a fascist dictatorship and kill us with bullets and worsening hunger and poverty.

We call on fellow Christians and faith believers to unite and Resist the Looming Tyranny and Human Rights Attack on the people.

Long live the People’s Democratic Revolution! !
Onward the people’s struggle towards national liberation!


Resist Looming Tyranny & Human Rights Attack