Archive of Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson

Abrenians: Resist, Fight and Triumph! Learn from the triumphant CRC and Chico Dam struggles during the Marcos dictatorship to resist the tyrant Duterte and their local stooges!
October 29, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The concordant chorus of Lt. Col. Jearie Faminial of the 24th IB and the provincial government of Abra headed by Gov. Joy Bernos to hype their “peace and development” mantra highlighting the ambitious Duterte regime’s pipe-dream to end the local communist armed conflict in the province plays like a badly scuffed old record. In their […]

The Sham “War on Drugs”!
October 28, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) fully supports Vice President Leni Robredo’s recent call for an end to Duterte’s war on drugs. The revelations in the course of the Senate hearing on the issue of the so-called “agaw bato” by PNP “ninja” cops bared the long-running furtive rift among the PNP generals over the reactionary […]

Rotten to the core
October 06, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The spate of brutal shootouts between Philippine Army, PNP and paramilitary members happening either inside their detachments or while on operations highlights one thing: that the AFP and PNP are rotten to the core characterized by their mercenary tradition abetted by the reigning culture of impunity! These are not isolated cases. Similar and frequent cases […]

Fight against the massive military onslaught of the Duterte fascist troops!
October 05, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) congratulates and salutes the Red fighters and commanders of the Leonardo Pacsi Command (LPC)-NPA Mountain Province in repulsing the massive onslaught of the AFP’s focused military operation from the organic units of the 5th and 7th ID now currently being directed by the Northern Luzon Command. A unit of […]

PRAYMER | Oplan Kapanatagan at NTF-ELCAC: Pambubulabog at pandarambong ng Estado sa mamamayan
October 04, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

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CPDF condemns latest attack on human rights volunteer in Cordillera
August 08, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

Immediately after its creation, the Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (RTF-ELCAC) in the Cordillera has reared its evil head and plans – to “neutralize” activists through constant harassment, filing of trumped up charges, illegal arrests and extra-judicial killings, all to silence the people’s resistance in the region. After experiencing incessant vilification […]

Imee Marcos and her ilk are the real bad spirits gravely needing urgent exorcism from power
July 01, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

  The recent verbal slur of Senator-elect Imee Marcos, calling upon Igorots to perform a ritual dance to supposedly drive away bad spirits from the office of Senator Trillanes, which she would take over soon, shows her disrespect and utter ignorance of Cordillera culture. Even if she has claimed lately that it was only a […]

Recycling of Surrenderees is a Tainted Business of the AFP
April 14, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The military is now in the business of recycling surrenderees to sell its deceptive propaganda line in the vain hope of maligning and demonizing the revolutionary movement. The latest exhibits are Lito Lannip Bulawit from Basao, Tinglayan, Kalinga and a certain James Biag from Bangnen Norte, Bauko, Mt. Province. These two allegedly surrendered simultaneously last […]

Election Time or Not, the NPA’s Vibrant Presence is Undeniable
April 11, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The AFP-PNP, having run out of excuses to cover up the resurgence of tactical offensives of the NPA in the Cordillera, resorts once again to their old antiquated lines to downplay their defeats. One of these is the oft-parroted line that the NPA only to project their presence this coming elections in order to collect […]

The Corrupt and Underdeveloped Face Behind Gov. Bernos' Claim of Peace and Order in Abra (CPDF's Rejoinder on the GRP "peace" efforts in Abra)
April 10, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The US-Duterte regime and his peace spoiler ex-generals called it localized peace talks. This is their divisive replacement to the national peace talks between the GRP and the NDFP which gained headway until it was scuttled by Duterte in November 2018 because of pressure from his hawkish generals, comprador economic advisers and their imperialist masters. […]