Archive of Articles

Successful barricade in Lu­pang Ra­mos
January 07, 2021

Peasants of Lupang Ramos in Das­ma­riñas City, Cavi­te together with their supporters mounted a people’s barricade and successfully foiled the Na­tio­nal Grid Cor­po­ra­ti­on of the Phi­lip­pi­nes’ (NGCP) plan to evict residents from their land. The two-day barricade started on December 21, 2020. The NGCP targets to construct electric posts in 372 hectares of land of […]

Peasant activist in Bohol killed in Bohol
January 07, 2021

State forces gunned down farmer Lo­renzo Paña in Ba­ra­ngay Do­rol, Ba­li­li­han, Bo­hol on December 30, 2020. Paña was a member and former officer of the Hug­pong sa Mag-uu­ma Da­pit sa Ka­sap­dan-Ki­lu­sang Mag­bu­bu­kid ng Pi­li­pi­nas. He has long been subjected to harassment by the state for being an activist. In 2018, the police illegally ransacked his […]

Budget for corruption and fascism
January 07, 2021

Rodrigo Duterte has finally signed on December 28, 2020 the ₱4.5 trillion national budget for 2021 which its critics call a budget for corruption and fascism. Almost a fourth of the budget (₱1.1 trillion) was allocated to infrastructure projects, while less than 4% (₱200 billion) was allocated to pandemic response, raising the capacity of health […]

In short
January 07, 2021
NPA-Eastern Samar conducts military training
January 07, 2021

A platoon of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Eas­tern Sa­mar completed the Basic Politico-Military Course (BPMC) last October 2020 amid intense military operations in the region. Red fighters underwent a 12-day training in an area cover by the Re­too­led Com­mu­nity Sup­port Prog­ram (RCSP) operations of the mi­li­tary. The training aimed to raise the military skills of […]

Teachers and parents demand: Safe reopening of schools
January 07, 2021

The Alli­ance of Concer­ned Teachers (ACT) criticized Rodrigo Duterte for reneging on his plan to reopen a limited number of schools for face-to-face classes this January. Teachers said that this is a neglect of his duty to ensure the need for safe, quality and accessible education during the pandemic. The group called this a “passive […]

No 13th month pay for many workers
January 07, 2021

Many workers anticipated to receive their 13th month pay last December 2020 in order to bounce back this new year. Many also expected that they could use this to pay the debts they incurred after losing their jobs during the lockdown period. New year has already passed and many have not received the said pay. […]

Surviving Covid but not hardships
January 07, 2021

The year 2020 ended with the Philippines registering 747,000 cases of Covid-19 infections. Last January 4, the total number of recoveries was placed at 448,258 and deaths at 9,257. Most of those who recovered from the infection are under 49. Most of the patients who died were aged 60 and above. During the pandemic, thousands […]

Social me­dia in the Philippines: Channel of unity and struggle
January 07, 2021

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the militarist lockdown, physical assemblies and mobilizations of democratic organizations in the Philippines were limited in 2020. (Read related article in Ang Ba­yan December 21, 2020.) In this light, various sectoral mass organizations in urban centers strove to use online platforms to arouse, organize, mobilize and study. Based on […]

Social media sa Pilipinas: Daluyan sa panaghiusa ug pagsukol
January 07, 2021

Bunga sa Covid-19 ug militaristang lockdown, limitado ang nahimong pisikal nga panagtapok ug protesta sa mga demokratikong organisasyon niadtong 2020. (Basaha ang kalabot nga artikulo sa Ang Bayan Disyembre 21, 2020.) Sa maong kahimtang, gipaningkamutan sa mga organisasyong masa sa mga sektor sa kasyudaran nga gamiton ang mga platapormang online aron mag-pukaw, mag-organisa, magtigum ug […]