Archive of Articles

13th month pay, hindi ibi­ni­gay sa marami
January 07, 2021

Ma­ra­ming mang­ga­ga­wa ang uma­sang ma­ka­ta­tang­gap ng 13th month pay noong Di­sye­mbre 2020 pa­ra ma­ka­ba­wi man la­ng sa ka­ni-ka­ni­lang mga ka­bu­ha­yan sa ba­gong taon. Ma­ra­mi rin ang uma­sang ma­ga­ga­mit ito pa­ra ma­ba­ya­ran ang nag­pa­tung-pa­tong ni­lang utang du­lot ng na­pa­ka­ha­bang pa­na­hon na wala silang tra­ba­ho. Lu­mi­pas na ang ba­gong taon pe­ro ma­ra­mi pa rin sa ka­ni­la ang […]

Lig­tas sa Covid-19 pe­ro hindi sa hi­rap
January 07, 2021

Nag­ta­pos ang taong 2020 nang may 474,000 ka­so ng na­ha­wa ng bay­rus ng Covid-19 sa Pi­li­pi­nas. Noong Ene­ro 4, si­na­sa­bing 448,258 di­to ay “na­ka­re­ko­ber” sa sa­kit ha­bang 9,257 na­man ang na­ma­tay. Ka­lak­han ng mga na­ha­wa at na­ka­re­ko­ber ay na­sa edad 49 pa­ba­ba. Pi­na­ka­ma­ra­mi ang na­ma­ma­tay sa mga pa­sye­nteng edad 60 pa­ta­as. Sa buong pa­na­hon ng […]

Social me­dia sa Pi­li­pi­nas: Da­lu­yan ng pag­ka­kai­sa at pag­la­ban
January 07, 2021

Du­lot ng Covid-19 at mil­ita­ris­tang lockdown, li­mi­ta­do ang na­ging pi­si­kal na pag­ti­ti­pon at pag­ki­los ng mga de­mok­ra­ti­kong or­ga­ni­sa­syon noong 2020. (Ba­sa­hin ang kaug­nay na ar­ti­ku­lo: Mga protestang bayan sa kabila ng lockdown) Sa ga­ni­tong ka­la­ga­yan, si­ni­kap ng mga organisasyong masa ng mga sektor sa ka­lun­su­ran na ga­mi­tin ang mga pla­ta­por­mang on­li­ne pa­ra ma­ka­pag­mu­lat, mag-or­ga­ni­sa, mag­ti­pon […]

Mass protests amid lockdown
December 21, 2020

The Duterte regime exploited the Covid-19 pandemic to suppress the people’s rights to express, organize and protest. The militarist lockdown brutally implemented by the police and military fended off the outbreak of massive protests for aid, livelihood and rights. Despite this, democratic sectors were able to mount several large and small protest actions this year. […]

PNP arrests 7 activists on Human Rights Day
December 21, 2020

Elements of the Philippine National Police (PNP)-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group illegally arrested seven activists at different places in Metro Manila on December 10 in conjunction with the commemoration of the International Human Rights Day. Operatives simultaneously ransacked the houses of Manila Today editor Lady Ann Salem, and trade unionists Dennise Velasco, Rodrigo Esparago, Romina […]

AFP's crimes in Sultan Kudarat and Western Samar
December 21, 2020

The Task Force Central (TFC) of the military is perpetrating unabaed atrocities in Sultan Kudarat. Last September 10, more than fifteen 15 families in Sitio Tupi Bato, Midtungok, Sen. Ninoy Aquino were displaced after their houses and farm produce were razed altogether by the 37th IB. The regional NPA unit reported that nearly 2,800 Dulangan […]

End state terrorism!
December 21, 2020

Three thousand individuals led by Karapatan and Bayan marched to Mendiola, Manila on December 10 to mark the International Human Rights Day. They call for an end to state terrorism. They demanded a stop to attacks against progressives and activists and to the state’s deadly red-tagging campaign. Simultaneously, four organizations and two lawmakers filed a […]

The pandemic brought forth protests of millions of peoples
December 21, 2020

The year 2020 saw an extremely unprecedented economic downturn and health crisis. Millions of people were infected and have died, while many others have lost their jobs and incomes. Poverty and hunger worsened across the globe. Instead of providing aid and support, and strengthening public health systems, many governments opted to resort to curtailing civil […]

A woman in the people's war
December 21, 2020

There are many women who embrace the sacrifices and challenges of life in the New People’s Army (NPA). With firmness, they perform their tasks as equal counterparts of male fighters. These women include Paolin, Mimi and Jellyn, young women fighters from various walks of life who found acceptance and equality in the people’s army. Ka […]

NPA-Camarines Norte ambushes operating soldiers
December 21, 2020

THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army (NPA)-Camarines Norte ambushed the operating soldiers of the 902nd IBde on December 12 at Sitio Manlapat, Baay, Labo, Camarines Norte. The soldiers besieged the community which is still reeling from the impact of successive typhoons. Red fighters were able to seize two 9mm calibre Glock pistols and eight backpacks. Two soldiers […]