Archive of Articles

The struggle to survive
August 21, 2020

The worst drop in local production in the first half of 2020 is a result of Rodrigo Duterte’s prolonged and destructive lockdown. Its impact was felt in Visayas and Mindanao where lockdowns were imposed simultaneous with Luzon and Metro Manila in March. Local governments abruptly and without prior plans stopped production activities, transportation and commerce […]

NPA ambush kills 10 soldiers in Negros
August 21, 2020

The New People’s Army (NPA)- Central Negros ambushed operating troops of the 62nd IB at Sitio Tabago, Barangay Sandayao, Guihulngan on August 14. The soldiers did not notice that Red fighters were aware of their presence. They were blasted upon entering the NPA camp. Ten soldiers were killed and 2 others were wounded. Meanwhile, the […]

22 Party members complete BPC in Samar
August 21, 2020

Despite continuing miliary operations in the Samar Island, 22 members of local Party branches and section committee were able to complete the Basic Party Course (BPC) last June. The front committee led preparations for the educational discussion. Considering heightened military operations in the area, organizers decided to conduct a staggered-type BPC. Two to three sessions […]

Data and short news
August 21, 2020
Pandemic borrowing binge
August 21, 2020

The Duterte regime announced on August 6 its plan to borrow an additional ₱3 trillion next year. The regime will use the money to finance the country’s ballooning chronic budget deficit. As in previous years, there are insufficient funds to finance its programs and loan payments next year. The amount set to be borrowed is […]

US arms sales stand unaffected by pandemic
August 21, 2020

The pandemic has not affected the sale of arms and military equipment by the US. From January to July, it approved 43 contracts amounting to 70% of its total arms sales in 2019. Fifteen of these were approved in July, including a contract for the sale of various military vessels, machine guns, bombs and ammunition […]

Military evicts 2,000 Lu­mads, farmers
August 21, 2020

The 88th and 8th IB forcibly evicted 2,000 Lu­mads and farmers from 15 communities in Ca­bang­la­san, Bu­kid­non last June 21. The butchers labelled the communities as a “no man’s land” after a dialogue between the datus, military and local government. (Read related article in Ang Ba­yan, June 21). After two days, the military dropped 15 […]

12th IB troops are rabid dogs
August 21, 2020

Like rabid dogs, troops of the 12th IB sowed terror in Janiuay, Iloilo from August 5 until the second week of the month. New People’s Army (NPA)-Panay spokesperson Ju­rie Guer­re­ro disclosed that seven farmers were mauled by the soldiers in Barangay Ati­mo­nan, Ja­niuay. Two civilians were also detained and coerced to serve as guides in […]

Julie de Lima, interim NDFP peace panel chairperson
August 21, 2020

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) appointed Ju­lie­ta de Li­ma last August 19 as temporary chairperson of its peace panel following the recent death of former chief negotiator Fidel Agcaoili. NDFP chief political consultant Jose Maria Sison said that de Lima is the most senior among the members of the NDFP peace panel. […]

Vaccines for superprofits
August 21, 2020

Beyond ordinary profits, Big Pharma rake in superprofits by setting prices way past their cost of production. This is particularly repugnant when companies engage in price-gouging in the case of life-saving medicines and vaccines. Pfizer in March announced that it would price its 2-dose Covid-19 vaccine at no les than $40 in the US. Moderna […]