Archive of Articles

2nd IB: Butchers of Masbate and Albay
June 21, 2019

Around 1,000 residents from eight barangays in Cawayan, Masbate protested in front of the municipal hall last June 3-8. They condemned the intense militarization of their communities and demanded the pull out of 2nd IB troopers who have been occupying these since May 20. Kilusang Magbubukid ng Masbate (KMM) said that the human rights violations […]

8 killings in 7 days
June 21, 2019

In just a week, eight activists and peasants were killed by armed state elements. Civilians were also subjected to various incidents of harassment and intimidation across the country. Two staff members of Karapatan-Sorsogon were shot-dead in the morning of June 14. Ryan Hubilla and Nelly Bagasala, 69, were aboard a tricycle when they were fired […]

CIDG illegally arrests journalist
June 21, 2019

The arbitrary arrest and detention of renowned journalist Fidelina Margarita Valle on June 9 by officers of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group Region 9 was met with widespread condemnation. Valle was arrested while waiting for her flight to Davao City at the Laguindingan Airport in Misamis Oriental. She was detained for 12 hours based […]

Police demolishes evacuee camp
June 21, 2019

Police officers demolished the camp of Lumad evacuees near the provincial capitol in Cagayan de Oro City on June 18. Lumads from Sitio Kamansi, Barangay Banglay, Lagonglong, Misamis Oriental have been camping in the area for more than a year due to military occupation of their community. The occupation will pave the way for the […]

Disgusting hypocrisy and corruption
June 21, 2019

This June, reports began to circulate about corruption in the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth). Duterte’s former speaker, Harry Roque himself exposed that PhilHealth was scammed hundreds of billions of pesos. Part of this are the overcharging of hospitals, “upcasing” or listing of cough for instance as pneuonia and duplication of lists and receipts. Among […]

SOT: Putting contractualization into law
June 21, 2019

End ENDO your face. This seems to be the message of the US-Duterte regime to workers after railroading in Congress the approval of the Security of Tenure (SOT) Bill before the 17th Congress ended. Duterte has promised to end contractualization since he came to power. In 2017 and 2018, he attempted to pacify workers by […]

Duterte’s land program: Reconcentration, not distribution
June 21, 2019

Rodrigo Duterte’s so-called land distribution is bogus. Behind this, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is railroading the reclassification and conversion of agricultural lands to speed up its reconcentration in the hands of big land lords and bourgeois compradors. From April to May this year, DAR issued one administrative order after another to hasten the […]

Transportation woes
June 21, 2019

Everyday, Filipinos, especially in the national capital, have to endure a myriad of transport problems. The most glaring of these are traffic, road shortages and the absence of an efficient mass transport system which cost them a big chunk of their incomes. These problems are further exacerbated by various schemes of those in power, which […]

CMO 20: A neoliberal scheme in education
June 21, 2019

Academics and professionals were dismayed with the decision issued by the Supreme Court on June 11 which upholds the constitutionality of the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) order which seeks to remove Filipino, Panitikan (Filipino Literature) and Constitution from the college curriculum. The said provisions are contained in the CHEd Memorandum Order Number 20 (CMO […]

Who will benefit from the privatization of Clark Airport?
June 21, 2019

Big bourgeois compradors and bureaucrat capitalists are currently pocketing billions of funds and kickbacks by implementing the US-Duterte regime’s grandiose infrastructure projects. Among these is the Clark International Airport Expansion Project in the province of Pampanga, one of Duterte’s big ticket infrastructure projects under his Build, Build, Build program. Pro-capitalist project Duterte is using the […]