Archive of Features

Mass base expands in Cagayan Valley
April 07, 2021

The support of the masses for the people’s war continues to expand and deepen. This was the statement Elias Almazan, political officer of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Cagayan Valley (Fortunato Camus Command). In an interview with Baringkuas (the regional revolutionary publication), he stressed that the intense and large-scale military operations of the Armed Forces of […]

Roads for corruption and war in Northern Mindanao
April 07, 2021

The reactionary government touts about its plan to railroad the construction of farm-to-market roads (FMRs) or road networks which will link farms to markets purportedly to facilitate faster transportation of farm produce and raise farmgate prices. However, these roads have actually no impact on farmgate prices as these are often arbtitrarily set by big traders. […]

Bankruptcy among abaca farmers in Bicol
April 07, 2021

Abaca farmers in Catanduanes have already been facing bankruptcy even before the Covid-19 pandemic. Fifty kilos of abaca are sold for only ₱3,000 which is relatively lower than the ₱5,000-cost of production shouldered by farmers, including rent to landlords. Overall, at least 200,000 peasant families across the country plant abaca. The crop line covers 180,302 […]

Red fighters' common objective
March 21, 2021

Red fighters may come from various walks of life but they are linked by a common aspiration for revolutionary change. In the New People’s Army (NPA), oppressed classes and sectors unite to serve the masses, consolidate their strength and change the society. Ka Kiko, 19, now bears the onus of his elderly parents. Due to […]

Overworked peasant women
March 21, 2021

Peasant women are considered an “invisible” part of labor force. Data by the Center for Women’s Resources in 2018 indicated that only 644,000 women were counted by the reactionary state in the agricultural sector. This extremely low figure is attributed to the fact that many peasant women do not own land and are categorized as […]

Oil price manipulation
March 21, 2021

First of a two-part series on the Philippine oil industry. Superprofits accumluation by oil companies while the Filipino people undergo extreme hardships amid the grave economic crisis and pandemic invites outrage. Last March 17, the prices of petroleum products once again increased. This was the eighth hike since January 6, two and a half times […]

Magnetite mining in Cagayan
March 21, 2021

The so-called Cagayan River Rehabilitation Project, a program for the extraction of black sand (which contains magnetite) at a portion of the Cagayan River in the town of Gonzaga officially kicked off last month under the pretext of “preventing siltation.” Magnetite is a one of the primary minerals used in producing steel. The mining exploration […]

Biden set to intensify US-China military rivalry
March 21, 2021

The newly installed Biden administration wasted no time in consolidating US military power in the Asia-Pacific region. It has taken successive measures to intensify its military rivalry with China. Last March 11, the first Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or “Quad” with heads of Australia, Japan, India and US was held to push forwards the US’ vaccine […]

The politics of vaccines
March 07, 2021

Rodrigo Duterte personally welcomed the arrival of Chinese vaccines at the Villamor Airbase last February 28. On March 4, almost 500,000 doses from the World Health Organization’s Covax Facility also arrived. Aside from health workers, the regime has prioritized soldiers and police personnel. The Philippines is the last country in Southeast Asia to secure vaccines […]

Telcos rake in billions during pandemic despite slow service
March 07, 2021

Telecommunications corporations (telcos) were able to rake in billions of income during the lockdown as the Filipino majority were forced to avail of their poor, slow and unstable internet services. The number of home broadband subscribers recorded the highest increase due to work-from-home arrangements and online classes. According to a senator, unlike electricity bill which […]