Archive of Uncategorized

Duterte will regret decision to arm firemen -- CPP
August 04, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Last August 1, Rodrigo Duterte expressed he wants to expand mandate for firemen to include their participation in the government’s anti-insurgency operations. “We always hear AFP claims that it is winning the war. Why then is Duterte desperate to arm firemen against the NPA?,” the CPP said. The CPP added, “at any rate he will […]

CPP: The NPA is not shaken by Duterte's threats
August 04, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted Rodrigo Duterte for ordering his armed men in the AFP and PNP to “give NPA rebels what they deserve” which is a codeword for “killings and torture.” Duterte made the remarks in a speech last August 2 in Davao City. The CPP said, “the New People’s […]

Protest passage of China warship through Sibutu Strait and swarm of fishing vessels around Pag-asa Island
July 31, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today urged the Filipino people to condemn and protest the passage of a Chinese aircraft carrier through the Sibutu Strait and the continuing swarm of sea vessels around the country’s Pag-asa Island in the West Philippine Sea. Recent Japanese satellite reports show that on July 20, China aircraft […]

Martial law extension plans show failure of militarist solution
July 31, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Extending martial law will serve as a practical admission that Duterte’s militarist solution to the armed conflict is a big failure. The civil war across the country continues to rage on. The New People’s Army remains strong in Mindanao and across the country. The Moro people’s armed resistance is irrepressible. By choosing to impose martial […]

Isigaw ang katarungan! Panagutin si Duterte sa Negros “killing fields!
July 30, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Sa mamamayan ng Negros at mamamayang Pilipino: Isigaw ang katarungan! Panagutin si Duterte sa Negros “killing fields!” Imbes na matakot, dapat magkaisa at mariing labanan ang walang habas at maramihang pamamaslang ng militar, pulis at mga death squad ni Duterte sa mga abugado, progresibo, aktibista at mga ordinaryong taong may puso para sa kapwa. Karamihan […]

CPP assures HRW that NPA strictly abides by laws of war
July 30, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

We consider as important the attention given by the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) on the spate of killings in Negros island. We agree that the surge of killings and abuses are linked to the issues of land rights, poverty and injustice. Grave abuses have been committed against the peasants masses who have long […]

CPP: Duterte incited Negros killing of civilians with baseless claims against NPA
July 29, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said Rodrigo Duterte is “personally responsible for the relentless campaign of killings in Negros” which has already claimed at least eight lives over the past four days. The CPP said Duterte “incited his armed minions in Negros to carry out the killings by making false claims of […]

Duterte wants PCSO corruption for himself
July 29, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Duterte ordered the closure of PCSO in complete disregard for the welfare of thousands of PCSO employees as well the tens of thousands of beneficiaries who daily line up for medical subsidies. For the nth time, Duterte, is using anti-corruption rhetoric as smokescreen for corruption. Without even a formal written order, he directed his police […]

To the Filipino workers: Rise up in collective rage against Duterte
July 27, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

As the political party of the Filipino working class, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) calls on all Filipino workers to rise up in collective rage against the display of big capitalist bias in vetoing the so-called “Security of Tenure” bill, however diluted it was in terms of its promise to put an end […]

Duterte, AFP /PNP are cowards for retaliating against Negros civilians
July 27, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The successive killing of seven civilians over the past two days in various parts of Negros island is the handiwork of the Duterte fascist regime and its military, police and paramilitary forces, including it’s henchmen in the RPA/ABB. The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the people of Negros and the rest of the […]