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Response of the CPP-IB to TeleSur questions:
July 23, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Telesur: Do you see the bluster and loud messages from Duterte as a sort of strong-arm negotiating tactic simply meant to force a CPP-NDF-NPA capitulation? CPP Information Bureau: Yes, Duterte’s loud, dirty and blustery mouth aims to bully the Party, the NPA and NDFP to accept his terms for surrender of the revolutionary forces. This […]

On GRP ending peace talks amid martial law extension
July 20, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

By cancelling the scheduled talks with the NDFP, GRP President Duterte is showing he no longer has need for peace negotiations with the NDFP amid waging a triple war of death and destruction under its US-supported martial law rule. His order today to rearrest the NDFP’s consultants is a violation of the JASIG and violates […]

Account of July 19 Arakan incident
July 20, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Based on reports submitted by the NPA-Regional Operations Command in Southern Mindanao. At 6 a.m. of July 19, Red fighters of the First Pulang Bagani Company manning an NPA checkpoint at Barangay Katipunan, Arakan town along the Davao-Cotabato-Bukidnon national highway flagged down a white unmarked and heavily-tinted armored vehicle. It later was identified as belonging […]

# Puspusang labanan ang pagpapalawig ng batas militar sa Mindanao
July 18, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Dapat magkaisa ang buong sambayanang Pilipino at lahat ng rebolusyonaryong pwersa para buong-lakas na labanan ang balak ng rehimeng Duterte na palawigin ang batas militar sa Mindanao hanggang sa katapusan ng taon. Ang pagpapalawig ng batas militar ay tiyak na magreresulta sa lalong paglala ng mga abusong militar at pulis. Lalo pa nitong patatagalin ang […]

On the Duterte-AFP-US information control in Marawi
July 11, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

“Dominate the information environment.” This is one of the key tasks identified in the AFP’s Operational Directive released as part of its implementation of martial law. It is in line with this task that the AFP has seized control of the “information environment” in Marawi City which has been besieged and under total lockdown by […]

On extension of Mindanao Martial Law
July 10, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The CPP joins the Filipino people nationwide, especially in Mindanao, in denouncing the plan to extend martial law in Mindanao. Yesterday, GRP President Duterte said he is not set on lifting martial law before his SONA. Duterte claims he listens solely on the AFP for advise on martial law. Last month, however, military officials claimed […]

Duterte ending peace talks amid setting stage for nationwide martial law
July 08, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

It has become all too apparent that the Duterte regime is not at all interested in the substantive agenda of peace negotiations with the NDFP and only wants to use the talks to compel the revolutionary forces to sign a premature bilateral ceasefire to silence the weapons of the NPA and prevent the people from […]

Worsening crisis, death and destruction under Duterte regime
June 30, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Duterte regime’s key economic, social, security and foreign relations policies are basically a continuation of past measures which perpetuate the oppressive and exploitative semicolonial and semifeudal system. The US imperialists and the ruling big bourgeois compradors, big landlord class and bureaucrat capitalists remain the dominant forces in his government. The crisis of the ruling […]

On OPAPP statement concerning NPA military actions
June 25, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Since yesterday, Presidential Peace Adviser Jesus Dureza and the Malacañang spokesperson have issued separate statements impugning the revolutionary forces’ seriousness to talk peace citing military actions of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Mindanao and elsewhere which they claim “disrupts the conducive and enabling environment” for peace talks. It denigrates as well the NDFP Negotiating […]

CPP welcomes GRP commitment to continue talks; calls for immediate end to destruction of Marawi and Mindanao Martial Law
June 19, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Party acknowledges the June 17 statement of GRP Negotiating Panel Chief Silvestre Bello III. The commitment of the GRP expressed therein to proceed with peace negotiations with the NDFP is a welcome development and is well appreciated by the revolutionary forces. The Party acknowledges as well the GRP’s recommitment of its adherence to all […]