Articles in English

Genuine land reform and the national democratic revolution
October 07, 2023

Free distribution of land to tillers or genuine land reform is the most fundamental solution, not only to the current food and agricultural crisis, but also to the bankrupt economy of the semicolonial and semifeudal system in the Philippines. Now, more than ever, amid growing poverty of the whole people, especially of the peasant masses […]

Usury: extortion in the countryside
October 07, 2023

Almost all lower and middle peasants borrow money to defray their production costs. This is because they lack capital for increasingly expensive imported production inputs. The state provides no subsidies for agricultural production in the Philippines (unlike Vietnam). Most farmers suffer from falling livelihood, and are being pushed to the brink of bankruptcy. This predicament […]

#ML51: Fighting the rising fascism of the dictator's son
October 07, 2023

Thousands of Filipinos commemorated on September 21 the 51st anniversary of the declaration of martial law amid brazen fascism and corruption of Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s regime. Progressive groups led by the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance) staged demonstrations in Manila, in nine other provinces and eight countries with the theme “Martial Law yesterday, Terror […]

NPA launches armed attacks in 5 provinces
October 07, 2023

Six armed actions were launched by Red fighters, according to reports by the New People’s Army (NPA) in recent weeks. These armed actions include enforcement of the revolutionary movement’s environmental policies. In Quezon, a soldier of the 80th IB was killed and two were wounded in an armed action by the NPA-Quezon on September 27 […]

October 07, 2023

  Youth oppose budget for fascism and corruption. On September 29, two days after the national budget for 2024 was railroaded in Congress, students staged indignation protests in seven universities in Metro Manila and Iloilo City. National-democratic organizations also protested in front of Congress on September 26 to denounce Sara Duterte’s squandering of public funds […]