Articles in English

Reactionary government’s surrender campaign, riddled with lies and violence
September 20, 2023 | New People's Army | Bicol Regional Operational Command (Romulo Jallores Command) | Raymundo Buenfuerza | Spokesperson |

With the revelation of what the abducted organizers Jonila Castro and Jhed Tamano really endured from the hands of the fascist state, the public understanding of the ignominious triviality and deceptiveness of the surrender campaign and the NTF-ELCAC deepens. The surrender campaign is nothing but a profitable business for these fascists. Military abuses, dirty propaganda […]

State violence against Jhed Tamano and Jonila Castro in the name of the surrender campaign, no different from the experiences of hundreds of thousands of civilians coerced to surrender in Bikol and the entire country
September 20, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Ma. Roja Banua | Spokesperson |

National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC)’s own arrogance and desperation blinded them to fall flat on their own lies and become subjects of public ridicule and ire. During their very own press conference where they attempted to parade two youth fisherfolk organizers from Bulacan as surrenderees, Jhed Tamano and Jonila Castro […]

Emulate Jhed and Jonila’s bravery! Youth, rise up, do not fear!
September 20, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Kabataang Makabayan-Bicol |

Kabataang Makabayan-Bikol hails the boldness and tenacity of principles of youth organizers Jhed Tamano and Jonila Castro who revealed their abduction, torture and illegal detention by state forces since September 2. Instead of cowering and submitting themselves to the enemies’ ploy to present them as surrenderees, they bravely disclosed what really happened to them during […]

Surface Bea Lopez! Justice for Peter Agravante and all victims of extrajudicial killings!
September 19, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Negros Island | Bayani Obrero | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front (NDF)-Negros is very alarmed with another case of abduction and salvaging reported on social media last Saturday, September 16, in southern Negros. According to alerts on social media, peasant organizer Bea Lopez, 26 years old, and tricycle driver Peter Agravante, 30 years old, were traversing the road along Barangay. Gil Montilla, […]

Sara Duterte spews nothing but filth
September 18, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Katipunan ng mga Gurong Makabayan-Bicol |

Sara Duterte, DepEd secretary, loses the last bits of respect that teachers and the entire Filipino nation has for her. She has verbal diarrhea and spouts nothing but nonsense. She cannot even answer the simplest questions regarding her department’s projects such as public wifi but has the gall to spew malicious disinformation attacking the public’s […]