Articles in English

Vow to attain justice for the Tiamzons and all victims of state terrorism!
August 21, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

One year ago today, Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), Wilma Austria (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries, were arrested by troops belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, on their way to the coasts of Catbalogan town, Samar. While in the custody of their fascist captors, they were subjected to severe torture before they were subsequently […]

US-Marcos regime's fascist terrorism in the guise of national security
August 21, 2023

Heightened state fascist terrorism, greater subservience to US imperialism and intensified suppression of patriotic and democratic forces are the directions set by the newly released “National Security Policy” (NSP) of the US-Marcos regime. It puts all aspects of society—from economics to the environment—within the “national security” framework which broadened the role of military state security […]

Covering up rights abuses amid poverty and injustice
August 21, 2023

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Union (EU), made the absurd claim that the human rights situation in the Philippines is “much better” under Ferdinand Marcos Jr during her visit to the country last July. Marcos was utterly delighted by this statement which buttressed his regime’s relentless whitewashing and public posturing. He makes […]

NPA-Western Samar holds training
August 21, 2023

More than 30 Red fighters and officers of the New People’s Army in Samar graduated from a basic military course in the third week of July. The training was held amid continuous military operations in the area. The training focused on selected topics which are most appropriate in the tasks ahead. Lasting for 12 days, […]

Guerrilla life: Unity and determination in knowing oneself and one another
August 21, 2023

Every day, Red fighters face a life and death struggle. To overcome challenges, it is important that every member of the people’s army knows himself and his fellow fighters. In the people’s army, fighters forge strong unity and determination. Regular assessments of their activities are held, including sharing their personal background. These have helped comrades […]