Articles in English

Residents drive away 2nd IB camp in Masbate
August 21, 2023

Residents of Sitio Baclay, Barangay Bacolod, Milagros in Masbate drove away the 2nd IB headquarters established in the said sitio after residents raised complaints against it. They expressed their disgust by banding together to petition the eviction of the military camp. They said the camp has caused nothing but trouble against their livelihood and fear […]

A few grow richer amid widespread suffering
August 21, 2023

Filipino multi-billionaires became richer amid people’s sufferings and a slumping economy. On August 10, Forbes magazine published its 2023 list of Filipino “dollar billionaires.” This list shows how the combined wealth of 50 richest Filipinos grew by ₱493 billion from ₱3.9 trillion to ₱4.44 trillion. Leading the list are the Sy siblings, followed by Manny […]

AFP, number one IHL violator
August 21, 2023

Consecutive cases of human rights violations by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) were recorded in Masbate, Isabela, Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, and Sultan Kudarat over the past weeks. These were committed while the International Day of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was being commemorated on August 12. These cases add to the 954 violations […]

US-Marcos Jr. regime, inept in the face of worsening socioeconomic crisis
August 20, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Ma. Roja Banua | Spokesperson |

Price hikes and deficient food supply. Commodity prices doubled in spikes. Mountains of debts. Slave-like wages and labor conditions. Widespread unemployment. Vulnerabilities to natural calamities and disasters. Threatened sovereignty. This is what the Philippines look like now under the US-Marcos Jr. regime. Across all corners of the country, the people suffer from poverty and starvation. […]

The highest salute for the people’s martyrs is continuing the struggle
August 20, 2023 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Bicol | Ma. Roja Banua | Spokesperson |

A year after the military beastly massacred them and desecrated their remains, the heroism and invaluable revolutionary contributions of top communist leaders Benito ‘Ka Laan’ Tiamzon ang Wilma ‘Ka Bagongtao’ Austria-Tiamzon remain stark clear in the minds of all revolutionaries. Martyred with them were Joel ‘Ka Divino’ Arceo, Ka Jaja, Ka Yen, Ka Delfin, Ka […]