Articles in English

Balikatan exercises trample on Philippine sovereignty and security
May 10, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

In collusion with the Marcos regime and its armed forces, the US government and military showed utter contempt for Philippine sovereignty and security when it used the country as a launching pad for its inordinate display of firepower to serve its obsession with provoking a war with its imperialist rival China. The large-scale Balikatan war […]

Workers, march at the head of anti-imperialist resistance
May 07, 2024

Over the past four decades, policies of liberalization, deregulation, and privatization have eroded the social, economic, and political rights of workers. In backward semicolonial and semifeudal countries such as the Philippines, plunder and oppression are rampant and extraction of surplus value from workers’ labor-power is unmitigated. Filipino workers have been victims of an all-out neoliberal […]

Consolidate the power of the working class—RCTU
May 07, 2024

In commemorating this year’s International Workers’ Day, the Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) affirmed its commitment to its revolutionary task of deepening its investigation into the condition of the working class in order to galvanize their resistance. Bringing together workers along their common interest for higher wages, lower prices, proper and safe working conditions, […]

May 07, 2024

  Earth Day: Protest against reclamation. Fisherfolk, environmental groups, church people and residents of communities around Manila Bay gathered for a forum and protest in Caloocan City and Navotas City on April 20, as part of the commemoration of Earth Day last April 22. They demanded an immediate stop to the destructive Navotas Bay Reclamation […]

3-Day protest against jeepney phaseout
May 07, 2024

ON MAY 1, jeepney drivers and operators led by Piston and Manibela joined the workers’ march to call for the scrapping of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) and the policy of forced franchise consolidation. This is the culmination of their 3-day transport strike and encampment. They demand the return of their 5-year franchises […]