Articles in English

20th IB, a scourge to the people of Northern Samar
May 07, 2024

AMID RELENTLESS COMBAT operations of the 20th IB, more and more cases of human rights violations are being recorded in the towns of Northern Samar. Recent cases include bombings, shootings, food and livelihood blockades, and sexual abuse by soldiers. In Las Navas town, drunken soldiers indiscriminately opened fire in Barangay San Francisco on April 9. […]

Ka Lalay, Party cadre, Red fighter, and martyr of the Lumad and Filipino people
May 07, 2024

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines paid the highest tribute on April 22 to Aprecia Avarez Rosete (Ka Lalay), revolutionary leader and CPP cadre who was martyred on April 27 in Barangay Malagad, Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur. At the time of her death, Ka Lalay was a member of the Party’s […]

NDFP celebrates 51st anniversary
May 07, 2024

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), together with allied organizations and the entire revolutionary movement in the Philippines and overseas, celebrated its 51st anniversary on April 24. Various types of activities were conducted to commemorate the anniversary. A week of commemorating revolutionary martyrs was also held on April 17-April 23. “We extend militant […]

Cordillera Day's 40th, mark of Kaigorotan's resistance to destructive projects
May 07, 2024

Sounds of gangsa, salidummay (Cordillera chant) and Igorot cries echoed in the celebration of the 40th Cordillera Day with the theme “Courageously advance the fight for land, life and dignity.” Up to 1,500 people from different provinces in the region and organizations and defenders of the rights of national minorities from different parts of the […]

The victory of the armed people's movement in Myanmar is unstoppable
May 07, 2024

Armed groups of national minorities and people fighting in different regions in Myanmar against the fascist Tatmadaw junta have achieved successive victories. From separate efforts, the unity and coordination of the armed anti-junta groups have increased. Simultaneous and, in some parts, coordinated offensives from late 2023 have also accelerated. They are confident in significantly weakening, […]