Articles in English

Rallies commemorate bogus independence day
June 21, 2024

HERE AND ABROAD, national-democratic groups protested to condemn the continued US imperialist neocolonial rule in the country on June 12, the day of the country’s false independence. They marched towards the US embassy on Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City and called on the Filipino people to expose and oppose US imperialism and fight for genuine freedom […]

US military bases and war games are threats to Philippine sovereignty
June 21, 2024

THE COMMUNITIES AROUND the US military bases, or so-called “EDCA sites” and Balikatan 2024 venues saw widespread negligence, disinformation and repression by the reactionary government and US military. This is the conclusion of a fact-finding mission conducted by Bayan-USA and PINAS Peace mission in Central Luzon, Ilocos Norte and Marawi City. They publicized the results […]

Unwavering support for the revolution of the masses of Samar
June 21, 2024

Generations may have passed, but the support of the peasant masses of Samar for the New People’s Army (NPA) remain unwavering. This was the message of the revolutionary masses in the province when they had an opportunity to meet the NPA after some time. “Our parents raised me and my siblings having the high respect […]

Rectification movement in Negros amid intense military operations
June 21, 2024

Amid uninterrupted military terrorism and fascist repression in Negros, Party cadres and members in the island ardently carry out the Central Committee’s call in December 2023 to launch the rectification movement. Revolution, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of the Philippines, and the writings of Comrade Jose Maria Sison were used as practical references […]

Divorced, but still united
June 21, 2024

The issue of divorce came up again recently after Congress approved a bill legalizing it in the Philippines. Unlike annulment and legal separation, the legal option of divorce is to dissolve the marriage, reverting the couple to “single” status and allowing them to marry someone else. Divorce is already legal worldwide, except for the Philippines […]