Articles in English

June 21, 2024

  Protest against genocide of Palestinians. Various groups and sectors marched and protested on June 8 before the Israeli embassy in Taguig City in Metro Manila to condemn the Zionist state for its continuing genocide against Palestinians. They marked the 8th month, from October 7, 2023, when the US-supported Israel intensified its attacks and bombing […]

(Video) Sa madaling salita
June 21, 2024


Stop Operation Kagaar!
June 17, 2024 |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines recently proclaimed June 20-July 20 as a Month of Solidarity for the Indian people’s struggle, particularly the Adivasi masses’ fight against Operation Kagaar. In line with this, the PRWC is dedicating a page to compile all related articles, statements and documents on the struggle of […]

Solidarity month with the Indian people's resistance to Operation Kagaar
June 17, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines declares June 20 to July 20 as Month of Solidarity with the Indian people, especially the Adivasi (indigenous) masses in their fight against the fascist Operation Kagaar and the terrorism of the Modi regime supported and instigated by the monopoly capitalist companies and imperialist powers. […]

Marcos is complicit with US imperialists fraudsters
June 17, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the various organizations and personalities in expressing outrage and condemning the US government for running a disinformation campaign on social media targeting the Filipino people during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to cast doubts on the Chinese vaccine Sinovac. This campaign of deliberate disinformation, which was […]