Articles in English

50 militias finish military training in Samar
July 07, 2020

Fifty members of the people’s militia finished the basic political-military course in a guerrilla zone in Samar last April. They comprised the majority of the 82 trainees. The other 32 are regular Red fighters. The militia members who underwent the 7-day training are re­sidents of five barrios. They had six instructors. The training was safely […]

8 farmers killed in 8 eight days
July 07, 2020

  Eight farmers were successively killed by armed state agents in a span of just eight days. All of the victims were maliciously tagged as members of or related to the New People’s Army (NPA). State agents killed Jose Jerry Catalogo, an official of the National Federation of Sugar Workers, at around 5:00 a.m. last […]

9 UN rapporteurs oppose terror bill
July 07, 2020

  NINE SPECIAL COMMITTEES and rapporteurs of the United Nations (UN) wrote to Rodrigo Duterte on June 29 to express their expert opinion and opposition to the Anti-Terror Bill (now the Anti-Terror Law). They said that the law violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and, as well as the Universal Declaration of […]

Mother and 2-day old child brought back to jail
July 07, 2020

  POLITICAL DETAINEE Reina Mae Nasino and her newborn child were cruelly brought back to the Manila City Jail Female Dorm last July 2, two days after giving birth. The newborn is underweight and needs continued medical attention. Nasino was among the leaders of progressive organizations who were arrested in Tondo, Manila and slapped with […]

Focused military operations in Leyte
July 07, 2020

  The 802nd IBde has used various ways to make it appear that it has ended the New People’s Army (NPA) in Leyte. It has launched successive focused military operations from March to April. Simultaneously, it has spread disinformation such as fake operations, encounters and surrenders. The 78th IB mounted operations in at least 11 […]