Articles in English

Human rights violations report
July 07, 2020

BASED ON THE tally of Ang Bayan, there have been at least 24,638 (or 135 per day) victims of various human rights violations from January 1 to June 30 this year. The figure excludes the tens of thousands of civilians whose rights were arbitrarily violated for purportedly violating lockdown protocols imposed during the pandemic. Within […]

Expect more atrocities from the butcher 901st IBde in Caraga
July 07, 2020

  Caraganons are bound to suffer more atrocities and human rights violations with the transfer of the butcher 901st IBde, under the command of Brig. Gen. Gabriel Viray, to the 4th d. The deployment was announced by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Tuesday, which was made in line with Duterte’s target to […]

History of Black slavery
July 07, 2020

  Massive protests of the Black Lives Matter movement continue to gain traction across the US for more than a month already. The protests seek to advance not only the rights and welfare of Black Americans but also to rectify the centuries-long oppression and exploitation against them in the US. Africans first arrived in the […]

Inter-imperialist tensions escalate in SCS
July 07, 2020

Tensions are escalating as China and the US have set on intensifying their aggressions in the South China Sea (SCS). China launched a series of war games near the Paracel Islands from July 1-5 in an attempt to display its imperialist might. The Paracel Islands is a territory being claimed by Vietnam. A day earlier, […]

Comrade Zia, beacon of the proletariat in Afghanistan
July 07, 2020

  The Communist Party of the Philippines extended its condolences to the proletariat and people of Afghanistan over the death of Comrade Zia, chairman of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan (CMPA). He was 68. Comrade Zia played a key role in resisting the American-led imperialist invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in 2001. After three […]