Articles in English

NPA-Bukidnon mounts grenade attack on abusive police checkpoint
June 07, 2020

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Bukidnon lobbed a grenade at a checkpoint manned by elements of the First Bukidnon Police Mobile Force Company in Barangay Cabulohan, Cabanglasan on June 1. Two policemen were wounded in the offensive. A day after the incident, responding police troops were again blasted by another NPA unit. Along with the military, […]

"Suspension" of VFA termination, not a surprise
June 07, 2020

Rodrigo Duterte’s “suspension” of the notice of termination for the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) which he signed on February 11 came as no surprise. Since the issuance of the notice, it was very obvious that the regime will not proceed with the termination. Duterte only wanted to seek more funds and weapons from the US […]

Filipino women, overworked and exploited under Duterte’s lockdown
June 07, 2020

The Filipino people face widespread devastation after close to three months of Duterte’s martial law lockdown and sheer incompetence in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Women, especially working women, have borne the brunt of the lockdown. Women are at the forefront of the battle against Covid-19. Up to 80% of Filipino nurses are women, many of […]

Socialism and health care
June 07, 2020

The concept of government responsibility in public health care was first upheld in Russia (later the Soviet Union federation) under the socialist state and the leadership of communist leader Vladimir Lenin. In 1920, he declared: “We have started a great war, a war which we shall not end soon. This is a bloodless war waged […]

Po­pe Francis: Divert weapons funding to research
June 07, 2020

Pope Francis prayed on May 31 that govenment leaders’ consciences would “be touched so that enormous sums spent to possess more armaments and to perfect them be instead destined to the promotion of sufficient research to prevent such catastrophes in the future.” Pope Francis urged government leaders to “take a far-sighted attitude, helping the most […]