Articles in English

The rage behind US protests
June 07, 2020

“I can’t breathe…” Americans mounted daily protests in all states in the country since black American George Floyd was killed by the police on May 25. Amid the pandemic, thousands of people took to the streets to confront the police and express their rage. The peoples of at least 20 countries expressed support for the […]

2 mass leaders brutally killed in Eas­tern Vi­sa­yas
June 07, 2020

Two mass leaders were killed by state forces in Eastern Visayas in May. Prior to the killings, both were labeled as criminals and terrorists by the Na­tio­nal Task Force to End Local Com­mu­nist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). On May 28, the lifeless body of Car­li­to Ba­di­on (Ka Kar­lets), national secretary general of Ka­li­pu­nan ng Da­ma­yang Ma­hi­hi­rap […]

Opol arson and other lies
June 07, 2020

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Mi­sa­mis Ori­en­tal clarified that it had no hand in the torching of four houses and a church in Ba­ra­ngay Li­mon­da, Opol on May 28. The arson was reportedly perpetrated by four armed men. It is more likely that this was perpetrated by elements of the 403rd IB who reported that shouts […]

AFP squanders P25-million in 1-day offensive
June 07, 2020

The Armed Forces of the Phi­lip­pi­nes (AFP) squandered approximately P25 million in public funds in its offensive last Ma­y 14 at Sit­io Ha­yon, Li­bas Sud, San Mi­gu­el, Su­ri­gao del Sur. In a single day, it dropped eight 230-kilo bombs using FA-50 fighter jets, and launched 24 rockets using helicopters. The area was also strafed using […]

100 Lumads, arrested in Northern Mindanao
June 07, 2020

More than 100 Lumads were arrested in various parts of Northern Mindanao in the course of three months of combat operations by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The worst among these is the arrest of 100 peasants and Lumads in Sitio Balaas and Airburn in Barangay Mabuhay; and Nabangkal in Barangay Magkalungay, San […]