Articles in English

Solidarity amid distress in Samar
May 23, 2020

Peasants from Northern Samar collectively faced the problem brought about the limited financial aid appropriated by the Duterte regime for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Through their revolutionary mass organization, they ensured that every family from barangays Ipil-ipil and Langka (not their real names) would be aided. In Barangay Ipil-ipil, only 38 out of […]

Mass protests amid lockdowns
May 23, 2020

Lockdowns have failed to stop people from mounting mass protest actions across the globe to condemn mounting human rights violations, and worsening poverty and unemployment amid the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Lebanon, thousands of citizens marched on the streets on April 27 to oppose the drastic economic downturn and the lack of aid […]

Hardships and perils due to incompetent government
May 21, 2020

The Duterte regime is slow and dimwitted in facing the Covid-19 pandemic. It has chosen not to fund mass testing, contact tracing and isolation. It is prioritizing its loan-driven infrastructure projects, the purchase of helicopters, cannons and bombs, and of course, pocketing shares in these contracts. Translation/s: Pilipino | Bisaya The Filipino people are undergoing […]

NPA-Bukidnon attacks abusive soldiers
May 21, 2020

THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army (NPA)-Bukidnon mounted successive military offensives against abusive soldiers in the province from May 5-14. Four fascist soldiers were killed while two others were wounded. On May 11, Red fighters sniped at elements of the 60th IB at 56th IB at Sitio Tapayanon, Barangay Mandahikan, Cabanglasan. Their presence in the barrio has […]

Without mass testing, we cannot defeat Covid-19
May 21, 2020

From the outset, the World Health Organization (WHO) pushed for mass testing as the key to defeating Covid-19. Its officials said, “we cannot fight fire with blindfolds on.” Mass testing must be used expeditiously to determine where the virus is spreading in order to break its transmission. Until there is no vaccine, this is the […]