Articles in English

NPA-Northern Samar harasses notorious 20th IB
May 21, 2020

THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army (NPA)-Northern Samar mounted three successive harassment operations against 20th IB soldiers who have long been wreaking havoc in Barangay San Miguel, Las Navas. A soldier was killed in a sniping operation mounted by Red fighters against a temporary military encampent in the area on May 9. In retaliation, the soldiers strafed […]

What will happen to Philippine businesses?
May 21, 2020

  Nel owns an internet shop in Metro Manila. She has 10 computers in her garage which she rents out to gamers from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Her customers pay a peso for every four minutes or P15/hour for games. Nel says she can earb P1,300-P1,500 a day or P20,000 to P25,000/month, after subtracting […]

Cadres conduct education conference in Negros
May 21, 2020

THIRTY EDUCATION CADRES from various guerrilla fronts, staff organs and underground mass organizations participated in the first education conference of the Party in Negros. The conference was conducted early on first quarter of the year in a guerrilla front. The conference discussed and assessed their experiences in implementing the Party’s education program in previous years. […]

Duterte regime, to purchase P2.4-B artilerie systems amid crisis
May 21, 2020

The Duterte regime, last May 12, issued a notice to proceed with the procurement of the artillery systems worth P2.4 billion from Israeli company Elbit Systems amid the continuing economic crisis brought about by Covid-19. The contract covers the procurement of two ATMOS 2000 155mm/52 Caliber Self-propelled Howitzer Systems, two batteries, with six mobile firing […]

Bayan Muna seeks Meralco probe
May 21, 2020

BAYAN MUNA IS seeking an investigation into the sudden spike in the bills charged by the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) on consumers in Metro Manila over the past two months. As meter reading activities was suspended since March, Meralco based its billing on the average consumption of consumers from December 2019 to February 2020. Actually, […]