Articles in English

Monitor and analysis of AFP counterinsurgency operations during Covid-19 ceasefire
May 12, 2020

In 45 days, the AFP deployed its troops in at least 446 villages, 43% of whom were deployed in Visayas and Mindanao, 31% in the Southern Tagalog region, 19% in Bicol, and 7% in provinces north of the National Capital Region (NCR). Download Full Report (PDF) Download Data Sheet Download COIN Map Summary information Since […]

No to shutdown on workers' lives -- CNL-Panay and Guimaras
May 09, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Panay | Christians for National Liberation-Panay and Guimaras |

The second great commandment says; “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” which includes love for the workers, and love for the toiling masses. Christians for National Liberation (CNL) – Panay and Guimaras decries and denounces the fascist regime for killing our democracy and press freedom in the country. CNL strongly condemns the cease and desist order of the […]

Further hardships, repression and corruption behind the Covid-19 lockdown
May 07, 2020

What it calls the “new normal,” in essence, is aggravating the worst aspects of the semicolonial and semifeudal system. Translation/s: Pilipino | Bisaya The Duterte regime is using the Covid-19 pandemic in the country to extend the fascist measures imposed in the name of fighting the disease. What it calls the “new normal,” in essence, […]

Fascism in the time of a pandemic in 7 steps
May 07, 2020

First, disregard the threat posed by the Covid-19 against the people’s health and livelihood. For more than two months, until the first week of March, Duterte and his Inter-Agency Task Force shrugged aside information that the virus was already in the country and was probably spreading in provinces, particularly in Central Visayas. Second, scare and […]

Pandemic of hunger and poverty due to lockdowns and restrictions
May 07, 2020 |

The United Nations (UN) warned that the stringent restrictions which states have implemented to contain the Covid-19 pandemic will result in a hunger pandemic and “unimaginable effects on health and the economy.” The UN said that “more people could potentially die from the economic impact of Covid-19 than from the virus itself.” Poverty and disease […]