Articles in English

Foiled US attack in Venezuela
May 07, 2020

Venezuelan security forces foiled an armed incursion of US mercenaries in the country on May 4. In a television broadcast on May 5, Venezuela Pres. Nicolas Maduro said that two American citizens were among those arrested for participating in the attack. They were identified as Luke Denman and Airan Berry, former members of the US […]

NPA-Albay: Masang Albayano, Tutulan ang Nagpapatuloy na Militarisasyon at Banta ng Martial Law ni Duterte at ng AFP!
May 03, 2020 | New People's Army | Bicol Regional Operational Command (Romulo Jallores Command) | NPA-Albay (Santos Binamera Command) | Florante Orobia | Spokesperson |

Pinatutunayan ng bantang Batas Militar ni Duterte ang palpak, pabaya at kriminal na pagharap ng rehimen sa krisis pangkalusugang hatid ng COVID-19. Sa halip na itigil, ginagamit ni Duterte ang walang habas na operasyong militar ng AFP at PNP laban sa Bagong Hukbong Bayan bilang tuntungan para isakatuparan ang kanyang ambisyong pasistang diktadura para patahimikin […]

Monitor and analysis of AFP counterinsurgency operations 
during Covid-19 crisis
April 26, 2020 |

(Initial Release) Outline Foreword 4 Summary information 6 Key points of analysis 8 Summary of key incidents 11 Raids and armed encounters 11 Aerial bombardment 14 Rights violations 15 Psyops 16 Download PDF Foreword Simultaneous with placing the island of Luzon under lockdown over the Covid-19 pandemic, GRP President Duterte announced his intention to declare […]

COIN Operations during Covid-19 pandemic
April 10, 2020

Download: Data sheet of COIN operations (as of April 14)

On the Int'l Situation, Covid-19 pandemic & people's response
April 09, 2020 |

I am highly honored and delighted to be the first speaker in this series of webinars, billed as Teach-Ins or Interviews, online discussions on international events and people’s struggles, under the auspices of ILPS Solidarity. The format is simple. I make the presentation. And the audience can react with observations, questions and further discussions. My […]