Articles in English

The Covid-19 pandemic has become more than just a health concern
April 07, 2020

From being a health crisis, the situation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly developed into an economic, social and political crisis. More and more get infected and die in the Philippines and across the globe. Simultaneously, more and more Filipinos suffer from hunger, disease and other hardships brought about by Duterte’s lockdown imposed […]

Lockdown rouses anger, esprit de corps
April 07, 2020

The lockdown has failed to prevent the breakout of the people’s outrage over the regime’s blunders in facing the Covid-19 crisis. On April 1, residents of Sitio San Roque, Ba­ra­ngay Ba­gong Pag-a­sa, Quezon City protested to demand quick distribution of food aid. More than 6,000 re­si­den­ts live in the said community, majority of whom are […]

Where is the people's money?
April 07, 2020

The P200-billion financial aid allocated by Duterte regime is not only insufficient but its coverage is also limited. This was exposed during the regime’s first batch of distribution of the P5,000-P8,000 aid to appease the hunger and poverty caused by the militarist lockdown. To make do with the budget, the regime imposed a quota system […]

Frontliners' just demand
April 07, 2020

Doctors, nurses, technicians and other health workers, known as frontliners, have been performing dangerous duties to care for Covid-19 positive patients. For them to be able to perform efficiently, they have laid out their immediate needs and just demands. Primarily, they demanded the government to provide health workers with adequate supply of per­so­nal pro­tective equip­ment […]

Looming food shortage
April 07, 2020

Widespread food shortage is becoming imminent in the National Capital Region (NCR) and across the country. Many farmers and businessmen incurred high income losses because of Duterte’s militarist and restrictive lockdown. Many were forced to stop production. The situation is bound to get worse with Duterte’s plan to extend the lockdown until April 30. Agricultural […]