Articles in English

Resist Duterte's anti-poor and anti-democratic Luzon lockdown
March 21, 2020

Translation/s: Pilipino Duterte’s order to lockdown Luzon against the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is anti-poor and anti-democratic. It has resulted in widespread chaos, and extreme hardship and inconvenience to workers and ordinary people. Duterte has further enraged the people for imposing the restrictive and repressive lockdown. More than 40,000 police personnel and […]

Luzon lockdown, a bane to the toiling masses
March 21, 2020

Workers and odd jobbers bear the heavy brunt of the month-long lockdown imposed by Rod­ri­go Du­ter­te across Luzon on March 17. He prohibited all modes of public transportation and obliged workers to “stay at home,” a measure that denied them their right to earn a living without providing sufficient compensation. This restriction primarily affects drivers […]

People demand medical, not military solution
March 21, 2020

Amid the restiveness and hardship brought about by Duterte’s lockdown, national-democratic organizations made a clear call for action to address the people’s needs in countering the threat of the Covid-19 epidemic. The list of urgent demands is also a criticism of Duterte’s militarist solution to the crisis and a call to uphold the people’s welfare. […]

Millions of workers to lose jobs due to Covid-19
March 21, 2020

IN THE WORST case scenario, approximately 25 million workers across the world will lose their jobs due to Covid-19. The estimate was based on a research of the Inter­na­tio­nal La­bor Orga­niza­ti­on (ILO) on the global economic impact of the pandemic. The ILO compared the current health crisis to the global financial crisis in 2008-2009 which […]

Nexperia workers win demand for compensation
March 21, 2020

NEXPERIA PHILIPPINES INC., workers will receive their full salary for March 17-30 despite the suspension of operations in the company due to the regime’s lockdown. This came after their union demanded that workers be compensated. The union is currently demanding that workers be compensated until April 12, the period covered by the lockdown. It will […]