Articles in English

NPA geared to Covid-19 response even without ceasefire
March 21, 2020

Even before the Duterte regime declared a ceasefire, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) had already issued directives to all revolutionary forces to carry out a mass campaign to encourage collective action to respond comprehensively and extensively to the threat of a Covid-19 outbreak. Duterte issued the GRP’s unilateral ceasefire declaration in the evening […]

Capitalist farming, deforestation cause new pandemics
March 21, 2020

Frequent outbreaks of diseases caused by the coronavirus and other zoonotic diseases are linked to capitalist landgrabbing, massive deforestation and mass food production of big agribusiness corporations. Under the neoliberal regime, these companies cause massive environmental degradation which inadversely affect humans and animals. According to biology and environmental experts, epidemics and pandemics should not be […]

Ka Lo­ri: The love of a mother Red fighter
March 21, 2020

Women Red fighters, especially mothers, are an inspire their fellow women to fight and liberate themselves. Ka Lori is one of them. She is a mother and a Red fighter in a unit of the New People’s Army in Bicol. Despite the pain of having to leave her children behind, she decided to join the […]

International Women's Day commemoration
March 21, 2020

GABRIELA SPEARHEADED A protest action on March 8 in commemoration of the International Working Women’s Day. Thousands of women and supporters converged at the Liwasang Bonifacio in Manila and marched to Mendiola. During the rally, the group questioned Duterte’s sincerity in abbrogating the Visiting Forces Agreement as military exercises by US and Philippine military continue […]

TUP students protest against repression
March 21, 2020

WEARING BLACK SHIRTS, 300 students of the Techno­lo­gical Univer­sity of the Phi­lip­pi­nes protested on March 4 to oppose the implementation of repressive university policies. The mobilization was spearheaded by the TUP Univer­sity Stu­dent Govern­ment. Students criticized the university administration for repressing organizations and student activities. They complained about the lack of facilities and lambasted the […]