Articles in English

Demand complete abrogation of VFA and all unequal military treaties
March 11, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

[smartslider3 slider=9] With the recent action of the Duterte regime informing the US government of its intention to terminate the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), it is incumbent on the Filipino people to press for the complete abrogation of the treaty and other demands in line with upholding national sovereignty. The act of signing the notice […]

March 05, 2020 |
Living Out the Faith: A Revolutionary Challenge
February 28, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Christians for National Liberation (CNL) | National Executive Committee | Renmin Malaya | Spokesperson |

With utmost pride, the Christians for National Liberation [CNL] unite with other faith believers in celebrating its forty-eight years of its foundation anniversary . We salute all church martyrs who lived out their faith in the revolution. They broke the barriers of church conservatism, counter-revisionist and petty-bourgeoisie tendencies in journeying with the basic sectors for […]

PSA amendment unmasks Duterte as subservient to US imperialism
February 20, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Proving his worth as a US asset even after terminating the Visiting Forces Agreement, Duterte along with his IMF-trained technocrats and supermajority “diehards” are aggressively pushing for the passage of amendments to the Public Security Act (PSA). This reform, which he certified as urgent and is part of his legislative agenda, was approved on second […]

Attacking AFP/PNP troops suffered 18 casualties in January
February 08, 2020 |

AFP and PNP troops suffered no less than eighteen (18) casualties in the course of their simultaneous combat operations against the New People’s Army-North Eastern Mindanao Region (NPA-NEMR) and the people in the four (4) provinces of Caraga within the month of January 2020. These stemmed from the strong resistance of NPA Red fighters in […]