Articles in English

Scrap VFA for national sovereignty
January 31, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines challenges GRP President Rodrigo Duterte to walk his talk and actualize the termination of the 1999 Visiting Forces Agreement. For decades, the Filipino people have demanded the abrogation of the VFA which has allowed for the trampling of Philippine sovereignty by US military forces, as well as numerous human […]

Celebrate the FQS of 1970, honor and emulate the heroic activist youth
January 26, 2020 |

Beloved fellow activists, Once more I wish to express warmest greetings of solidarity to the First Quarter Storm Movement and my congratulations for the successful preparations directed by the FQS@50 Coordinating Committee for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the FQS of 1970 from January to March this year. I am happy and gratified […]

Rampaging state terrorism under Duterte
January 25, 2020

                AB Human Rights Annual Report January-December 21, 2019 This summary was culled from Ang Bayan’s (AB) reportage of human rights violations (HRV) perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP) and the US-Duterte regime’s death squads across the country from January to […]

Mobilize to extend relief for Batangas
January 22, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

In the face of widespread economic displacement and disruption of lives brought about by explosions of the Taal volcano, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) calls on the Filipino people and all revolutionary forces to mobilize the widest possible resources to extend relief assistance for the hundreds of thousands of people in Batangas and […]

Martial law in Mindanao must be fully dismantled
January 10, 2020 |

Martial law in Mindanao has formally passed. Executive Order #70, however, has taken precedence and has placed the entire country under de facto martial law rule. Thus, even without Mindanao martial law, the system and structures of military rule remain and continue to impose fascist oppression on the people. The Filipino people, therefore, demands that […]