Articles in English

Justice for Randy Ma­la­yao
February 07, 2020

IN COMMEMORATION OF Randy Fe­lix Ma­la­yao’s first death annivesary last January 30, activists and his relatives protested in front of Camp Melchor de­la Cruz of the 5th ID in Ga­mu, Isa­be­la to demand justice. Malayao was a consultant of the Na­tio­nal De­mocra­tic Front of the Phi­lip­pi­nes. Military and police forces violently dispersed the protesters. To […]

Paramilitary attacks Lumad sanctuary
February 07, 2020 |

FEW DAYS AFTER the Regional Peace and Order Council 11 ordered the closure of the UCCP Haran Center in Davao City, the compound was attacked by paramilitary forces on January 25. Using bolos, members of the Alamara, a paramilitary group directed by the butcher military, destroyed the walls and fences of Haran which serves as […]

Aerotropolis project, a bane to fishermen and the people
February 07, 2020

Amid intensifying rivalries among capitalists, Ramon Ang believes that the New Manila International Airport will benefit him. The project, which is commonly known as the Aerotopolis, is being developed by San Miguel Holdings Corporation (SMC) in a 2,500-hectare coastal area of Barangay Taliptip, Bulakan, Bulacan. Fishermen and residents of the area, however, see the project […]

Condemn Duterte's disregard for public health
February 03, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Filipino people are on the receiving end of Rodrigo Duterte’s gross disregard for public health in the face of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Much like the indifference he has shown during recent calamities, Duterte spurned responsibility to take decisive action against the possible spread of the virus which has now hit dozens of […]

On the Duterte Legacy
February 01, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

By his own policies and actions, Duterte has defined his legacy. It is a malignant one characterized by treason, tyranny, butchery, corruption and deception. 1. Treason and Double Puppetry Contrary to his lie that he has an independent foreign policy, he is a steadfast puppet of US imperialism subject to US direction and logistical requirements […]