Articles in English

Duterte's antagonism towards the people breeding conditions for NPA recruitment
October 11, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Like Marcos before him, Duterte has now become the No. 1 recruiter of the New People’s Army (NPA). His corruption and anti-people policies have inflicted greater sufferings on the people resulting in widespread indignation and fueling resistance. Duterte’s corruption was put on public display by the recent purchase of two luxury jets worth P2-billion each […]

Protest movement to gain further ground amid deteriorating conditions under Duterte
October 08, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The nationwide protest actions mounted by jeepney drivers and operators and other transport workers last September 29 successfully manifested widespread opposition to the Duterte regime’s anti-poor plan of phasing-out jeepneys in the guise of “modernization.” Several days later, 5,000 public school teachers and government employees joined demonstrations to demand a salary increase to allow them […]

Repudiate deception and oppression
October 07, 2019

Deception and oppression. Everyday, this is what Duterte and the AFP/PNP bring to the people in farms and mountains. They promise “Peace” and “Stability,” but their war against the people engenders only violence and poverty. Their showcase “services” fail to conceal the deep-seated problems of poverty and joblessness caused by land grabbing and dispossession. That […]

NPA-ICR ambushes 50th IB
October 07, 2019

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Ilocos-Cordillera (Chadli Molintas Command) ambushed a platoon of the Charlie Company 50th IB, under the command of Lt. Pulalonan, in Aguid, Sagada, Mountain Province on September 26. Based on an initial report, one soldier was killed while another was wounded. The ambush was mounted amid a focused military operation of the […]

End deception, free Alexandrea!
October 07, 2019

A writ of habeas corpus petition was filed at the Supreme Court by Arnulfo Pacalda, father of Alexandrea Pacalda, an activist who was illegally arrested by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and presented as a Red fighter “surrenderee.” The Pacalda family’s lawyers said that they demand the military to immediately present Alexandrea before the […]